~Day 1~

291 32 72

Song- Immortal by Fall Out Boy


I woke up the next morning feeling drained both physically and emotionally. After I had left Mason I returned to the conference room to get my parents to leave. They followed me, unwillingly might I add, to the car and drove me home. I went straight to bed after kissing them goodnight.

My eyes flutter open to a brightly lit room. I feel something to the right of me. Immediately, I jump out of bed almost tripping on my comforter. My mom grumbles beside me and pulls the sheet over her head.

"How long have you been in my bed," I yell. My heart is still thumping wildly against my chest.

"Five more minutes of sleep. Turn that light off will you," she groans from under my blankets.

"Do you mean the sun? I can't turn that off. Why exactly are you in my bed?" I frown.

She tosses the blankets off and sits up. She rubs her eyes tiredly. "I want to spend as much time with you as possible. You're my baby." Her eyes start to water.

I sit beside her and rub her arms soothingly. "Sh mom. It's fine. Please don't cry. I'm right here. I need some space is all."

She nods. She wipes away the few tears that escaped and roll down her cheek. "You're right. I'm being silly. I'm going to go make breakfast. You're favorite. Bacon and eggs and toast."

"Thanks mom. I'm going to get ready."

She exits the room. A moment later she pops her head back in. "Oh and to answer your question I slept in your bed all night." She disappears again.

She is so overprotective. To be fair I would be too if I only had a month left with my child.

I throw on a grey knit sweater, black tights, and a burgundy scarf. It's fall, so it's pretty chilly out. Satisfied with how I look I skip down the stairs. I enter the kitchen to find my entire family there.
Ainsley and Lydia over a piece of toast while my father helps my mom cook the food. The song Immortal by Fall Out Boy blares on the radio. How ironic.

I sit at the table across from Lydia and Ainsley. Neither of them pay attention to me and continue to argue over who knows what. My mom puts a loaded plate in front of me.

"Mom I can't eat all of this."

"Eat half," she negotiates.

I scrunch my nose. Food is literally falling off of the plate onto the table. My brown lab, Coco, sits beside me eyeing the food and licks his lips. I scan the room. No one is looking. I take the plate and use my fork to brush the food onto the floor. He gobbles it up in seconds.

"All done," I say after. I take my half full plate and give it to my dad. I turn on my heels to leave.

"Wait where are you going." My mom frowns. Disapproval washes over her face. I slowly turn around to face her. I can see where this conversation is going to go. I can guarantee it will get awkward real quick especially with everyone here like this.

"I have plans today with a friend today." I check my watch. "In half an hour actually. I'm meeting him at the hospital. I can walk there. See you guys later." I try to leave once more, but my dad decides to speak up.

"Friend? What friends." My dad snorts. My mom hits him in the chest with a spatula. He clears his throat and looks apologetically at me.

"I met a guy at the hospital last night and he's taking me out."

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