~Day 8~

80 13 1

  Song~ Surprise Yourself by Jack Garatt


As hard as I tried last night, sleep didn't grace me with it's presence. I tossed and turned as the words Mason spoke to me repeated endlessly in my mind. I knew what he was referring to. I just couldn't believe all the compliments he had given me. He genuinely thought I was pretty. A smile broke out on my face.

Should I confront him about yesterday? I mean, it was pretty obvious what he meant, but should I say something about us? Or should I leave it alone. We're in a good place and I don't want to mess it up by making it awkward.

  The first few rays of sunlight began to pour in through my blinds. Had I really stayed up all night? I don't even feel tired. I roll out of bed and teeter my way downstairs to enjoy a cup of coffee. Once I finish, I return to my room. A startled cry erupts from my mouth.

  "What the hell are you doing in my room?" I yell angrily.

  "Waiting for you," Mason answers nonchalantly, laying on my bed with his eyes locked on mine. A smirk is plastered on his face.

  I lurch forward and chuck a pillow at him. I look over to the open window. "You climbed up here?"

   "It would appear so.

  "Aren't you scared of heights?" I ask swallowing hard.

"Not really, no. Are you?"

  "Just a teensy bit." I use my index finger and thumb in a gesture to enforce my statement.

  "Guess I know what we're doing today."

  "And what's that?" I question with a raised eyebrow.

  "That, my dear Vivian, is facing your fears. We are going cliff jumping."

  I snort. "Like hell we are."

  "I'm not joking."

  "Neither am I," I countered with crossed arms.

  "I'll force you if I have to. You have to face them at some point. This could be one of your regrets. Here is an opportunity presenting itself to you and you're passing it up."

  I bite my lip. "Are you sure it's safe? Isn't it a bit cold out?"

  "I'm 99.1% sure it's safe and it's warmer than it was yesterday. Take a chance. You don't have much to lose." Mason shrugs as if this is the simplest thing in the world.

  "Fine, I've always kind of wanted to do it anyways. It's on my personal bucket list."

  His eyebrows raise. "Can I see this personal bucket list? It might make my job easier. It's exhausting being creative all the time."

  "Ah yes your 5 functioning brain cells must be drained from all the work you've put in," I tease.

  "You know it," he says with a playful wink. "You might want to wear something you can get wet in."

  "I'm okay but what about you? What are you going to wear?"

  He shakes his head. "Don't worry about me. Today isn't about me. It's about you conquering your fear."

  With that he steps out of my room as shuts the door behind him.

  Just as I step into my closet to find a bathing suit, he opens the door again. "Yesterday, as I left, you asked what I meant. Remember this: guys aren't like girls. We typically don't have hidden meanings behind our words. We're pretty blunt. If that doesn't help, don't over think it. I think you're a great person, you're pretty and have a great personality. That's why I love hanging out with you."

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