~Day 9~

77 13 12

Song~ Touch by Nick Jonas

Beep. Beep. Beep.

  A steady buzzing noise rings in my ear. I lift my head to shut off my alarm, but a searing pain emanates from my chest. I slump back into bed and open my eyes. I blink multiple times before acclimatizing to my surroundings. I'm neatly tucked into a hospital bed. An IV is poked into my wrist while a blood bag on a rack stands beside my bed. I gently use my arms to raise me so I can sit up. Beside my bed, I find a pager to summon a nurse.

  "Good morning, Ms. Marshall. How are you feeling?" A cheerful voice asks. A tall brunette strides gracefully into the room holding on to a clipboard.

  "Never been better," I reply sarcastically. "What happened?"

  She sends me a bright smile. "I'll grab Dr. Marcus and he'll explain everything."

  She turns around, but pauses to mention, "A handsome man, the one he arrived shortly after you, stayed up all night to make sure you're okay. I will notify your parents that you're awake now. We'll have you home in no time."

  I wait a moment in silence. Finally, Dr. Marcus appears. He firmly shuts the door behind him and takes a seat beside my bed. "Good morning, Vivian."

  There isn't anything good about this morning I want to say, but I refrain and give him a small smile.

  He grabs a clipboard from the foot of my bed and studies it carefully. "I am aware you went cliff jump0ing yesterday. I have warned you many times about excessive exercise and the effects it can have on your body. Your heart cannot pump enough blood to sustain the stamina it would require to get exercise. That, plus the adrenaline sent your heart into overdrive and it couldn't keep up with you. What you suffered from was consequences for your actions. However, we did a quick scan and found a small infection in your respiratory system which explains the shortness of breath. It is nothing too serious and with an added dosage of antibiotics you should be up and running later this afternoon, figuratively speaking."

  "Thank you. So it's nothing too serious?" I ask making sure I'm okay.

  He nods curtly. "I wouldn't advise you do anything like that again. You got lucky this time, Vivian. If you keep this up next time you might not be so lucky." He stands up. While exiting he adds, "I'll write out a prescription now and give it to your parents when they come pick you up."

  "Thank you so much. I won't do it again. I've learned my lesson."

  The nurse from earlier pops her head in. "Mason wants to see you. Should I send him in?"

  "Yes please."

  Mason enters the room and hurriedly hugs me. I smile as he buries his face into my hair.

  "I was so worried. They wouldn't let me in unless I was family so I waited all night. Your parents came as soon as they found out and left early this morning to change their clothing. How are you feeling?"

  I wave a dismissive hand. "Nothing some medicine and coffee can't cure."

  "I really am sorry, Viv." His deep blue eyes stare into mine and I can see the guilt and worry they contain.

  "Don't worry about it. I'm fine."

  He skeptically studies my face and sits down on the bed. A moment of silence passes between us.

  "It's ironic really."

  He cocks his head to the side. "What is?"

  "My nickname is the present tense conjugation of the word vivre, granted it has an e at the end. Vivre translates to the verb to live in English."

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