20. Regrets

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Chapter twenty - Regrets

Alexis opened the Instagram app and was surprised when she read the message.

Hey. I hope you're okay, I heard about Nathan.. I had no idea he was the guy you were talking about. I'm sorry for taking so long to reply, I got really busy.

You knew Nathan?



We were friends when we were younger

Alexis went to Matt's Instagram profile and looked at his picture. It was him. He was the guy she had made eye contact with at the funeral. She knew she had seen those stormy blue eyes somewhere. His hair covered his scarred eyebrow. It was probably why she hadn't recognized him.
You look so good in a suit, Alexis thought to herself. His build was slim, but athletic. She wouldn't be surprised if he had abs that looked like they belonged on a magazine.

You were at the funeral..

I didn't know what to say to you

Alexis' heart skipped a beat. They way he had been looking at her showed that he wanted to say something.

That's okay.. I'm sorry for your loss.

Hey, I'm okay. I'm sorry too, when you spoke, I could see how much you cared about him and how much you loved him

Well, I just wish I had said that when he was alive you know.. There are so many unspoken words between us. If I had said something earlier, maybe he'd still be alive. It's too late to fix anything now

It sounds like you're blaming yourself for this

"Well you're right," Alexis said to her cellphone. She swallows back her tears and typed a reply.

I can't help but feel it was my fault

Why do you feel that way?

He was looking for me that day. And when he went to my cousin Caleb's house, one of my friends was joking around and pretending to be my boyfriend. He got upset.. He wanted and explanation and I think he was tired of waiting so he drove to me as fast as he could.. But somewhere along that journey something happened and it killed him.

It's not your fault

Why do I feel so guilty?

It's just regrets. But you can't let that control you. Nathan didn't die because of you. There is nothing wrong with wanting some time to think. Maybe it was just his time to go

But why before we could talk about everything properly?

Sometimes, inexplicable things happen in life, and there's not much you can do but move on

If this is some sort of lesson. I get it.

Hey, don't be so hard on yourself okay?


What you need to do is to spend time with people that love you and let him go. He will be in your heart and mind forever, but you can't let regrets and words unsaid haunt you forever. You just have to move on. He would want you to. And if you need someone? I'm here.

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