Facial and Body Hair

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Everyone is unique including their facial and body hair. Some people have thick and coarse hair, while others have thinner hair. Some people have a lot of hair and some people barely have any. DO NOT feel bad about how much hair you have. It is completely natural. Instead of feeling insecure lets do something about it!

Facial hair:

Eyebrows- I recommend getting your eyebrows threaded. It does not pull on the delicate eye area like waxing does. 

Finding your eyebrow shape: A great tip I have is to go get them done somewhere with great reviews and find your shape. After finding your shape you will then have some pointers on where to pluck if you prefer to do them yourself. I recommend growing them out and going to get them done at least once and see how they do it. Your eyebrows frame your face so this could completely change your face and look more flattering. 

Upper Lip/Chin- You could get this threaded or waxed no problem. I prefer to wax it myself. It is easy, cheap, and does not hurt. You can find wax strips at your local drug store. They will last a very long time. 

-Nad's Facial Wax Strips with 24 Strips $4.99

Peach Fuzz- For peach fuzz on the face I recommend to get an eyebrow razor and shave downward. This will get rid of all of the peach fuzz and dead skin on your face! No, your hair will not grow in thicker or darker. I was worried about that too. I got a pack of 48 razors on amazon for $12.98. The price per razor came out to $0.27! That is a steal. If it is your first time trying this please watch some YouTube videos (I linked three videos on shaving your face below)

-ABOAT 48 Piece Facial Eyebrow razor $12.98




Body Hair:

There are many different things you can do for body hair. There is shaving, waxing, and laser hair removal. You will be surprised on the tips I have!

Shaving- Typical areas to shave are legs, armpits, and private parts. Honestly you can really shave anywhere on your body. If your arms are hairy you can shave them too. 

Tip! Make sure you use at least a 3 blade razor or more. You will be way less likely to get razor bumps and cut yourself. 

Use shaving cream. My favorite is the Eos shaving cream. It is smooth and buttery and I never have cuts or razor bumps.

Tip! Use conditioner for shaving cream! It is just like the Eos one. You will be silky smooth with no cuts or razor bumps. Get a cheap one for a dollar and use that for your shaving cream. 

Waxing- You can really wax anywhere. You can go to a salon and get waxed or you can do it at home by yourself or with a friend/family member. 

Laser Hair Removal- This is my favorite method of hair removal. It can be very pricy. Some MedSpas make it affordable. It feels like rubber bands snapping you. Places like your private parts and armpits hurt a lot because those are very sensitive areas. Other places like legs and arms do not really hurt at all. For laser hair removal you have sessions where you do it and you keep doing it until the hair is gone. Then you go back every 6 months or so for upkeep. You HAVE to shave first. As the hair is going away it will be patchy. 

Tip! There are at home laser removal kits! I have gotten it done at the MedSpa, but then I discovered the at home one and bought that for the rest of my body. It is so convenient and easy to use. And YES it works! I was skeptical about getting it because I thought it wouldn't work, but I am so happy that it does. I will link the one I have below and I will also link a YouTube video explaining how to use it. 

Lux Skin Hair Removal $59-



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