I am Beautiful!

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Congrats! You have your Beauty Bible and you are all ready to go!

Exercise 2- Things I Love About Me

Take your Beauty Bible out and title the first page "Things I Love About Me". I want you to write down all of the amazing qualities you have inside and out. Write about the way you treat people, whether its family, friends, strangers, or animals. Write about what you are good at. It could be school, it could be a hobby, whatever they are write them down! Write about features you like about yourself. (Eyes, hair, nails, lips, smile, etc). Write down every single amazing quality you have! Be open! Let the negativity out!

Take a good amount of time to really think and write things down. Spend this time with yourself and your positive thoughts. When you are done put the book away and smile. You will not be finished with this part. Everyday you should be thinking about your amazing qualities and you will think of even more things! Write those things down! I am always adding to my "Things I Love About Me" page. 

Another great thing about this page is when you are feeling down about yourself, open your Beauty Bible and right there on the first page you will be reminded of how incredible you are!

Exercise 3- I am Beautiful!!!

This is a short exercise, but it is effective. Go sit or stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself you are beautiful 10 times. It may sound silly, but trust the process! Try to do this everyday. It can be in the morning while you are getting ready or at night when you are getting ready for bed. So you have no excuse of not having time during the day. 

Good job gorgeous! Get ready for some beauty tips!

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