I Am Free.

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I am free.

Stand in line. Stand up straight. Listen up...
Follow the commands set by man to keep a smooth world kept safe before the end began.
Disaster. Never following around the corner.
Listen to your parents. Your teachers. Persons of authority.
They care. They teach. They protect.
Of course...

Following the law to conform to the raw and worn out ways of life.
Dealing with strife.
Never being told "it's alright" by a dad holding a bud light drinking the days away into a haze and not able to his escape from his endless mind maze.

Follow along. Sing the song.
Repeat after me: I am free.
Here's your number to always remember the ways your days will fade like the wade of a deep sea.
Follow me. No debris
to kick behind, we are all of one mind
the creativity slapped from our brain and left in the rain behind our selfish ways.

How dare you have an original thought!
Someone punish this man I did not demand
him to speak on his own free will. He should be killed.
Proper authority run the mill.

Work the day away into a new gay happy way until pay day.
Spend your life with your wife without strife or end it with a knife.
Do not plead for a need to not bleed it is decreed you succeed as long as you follow our lead. Kids will conform to uniform and their brains will deform until they are the norm.
A nice cluster of a minions sent to storm as a swarm.

There's a thought: if we brought the kids to be taught and not shot maybe we can inspire and hire a new generation with a desire to grow higher.
But that's just me, what do I know?
A kid will be what an adult will show.
They follow your drug addicted steps and listen to your anti-drug words.
They grow up distressed, repressed and shoved into the same kind of herds.

Hitler went into power the same way some people lost their minds.
Having them quote him on the hour and kept into lines.
The system here and now is not different.
They are taught to be fought and not how to fight back an attack that won't hack their thought track.

Disorders ignored by the wrong people and a steeple
demanding more medicine for the sick when the mentally sick have it bad if not worse.
The mental illness caused by disgruntled doctors unable to properly treat. Utter defeat.
Because a patient cured is a customer lost.

So... You think society has all the right men?
Think again.

Now repeat after me: I am free.

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