Asleep (Alex)

17 1 0

She falls asleep easier when she's on the phone

Even if the other person isn't talking. Simply soft sighs of slumber coursing through the speaker is enough. She won't hang up until morning, if they hadn't already.

She falls asleep easier when her dog's in her bed.

Even just touching him slightly with her foot as he snores like a damn troll at the bottom of her bed. He'll stretch, and accidentally claw, but she doesn't care. He's there.

She falls asleep easier when the window is open.

The breeze against her face that she knows is probably the suspect in her multiple sore throats and stuffy noses. But it soothes her crawling skin.

She falls asleep easier holding a charm.

A silly one she put a spell on to keep her and her dreams safe, should they wander too far into what she already knows

She falls asleep easier when she's on the phone- no.

She falls asleep easier when she knows she's not alone.

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