Call Out All Your Friends

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I choked a little at the words that left Ryan's mouth, "Oh."
Chris turned towards me, "Go to your room, Carson. We need to discuss a few things."
I nodded, and kept my head down as I exited the kitchen. As soon as I got down to my room I heard another set of footsteps behind me. I sighed knowing that Chris probably sent someone down here to make sure I didn't leave. Looking behind me I saw that it was Kuza.
"Chris sent you?" I asked, knowing the answer.
"Ricky actually. Said he knows how you like to sneak around."
I huffed and entered my room, "Well that's a first."
Kuza shrugged as he leaned against my door, "They must be having a pretty important meeting then."
"It's about the coven. You know damn well how important that is."
He just shrugged once more and took his place in front of my door. I sighed and studied his frame. He was tall and dressed in all black, and though he was turned the opposite way I knew his eyes were pitch black as well. He's a demon though, therefore that's completely normal.
Once I got tired of staring at Kuza, I got out a sketchbook and decided to draw. It's been a while since I last drew anything so might as well make good use of time since I'll probably have quite a bit of it to myself.


I watched Carson's small frame as she walked out. As soon as she was out of the room I called for Kuza and told him to make sure Carson stayed in her room. When he left I turned to face Chris and the others.
"So why now of all times?"
Chris leaned against the counter and ran his hand over his face. "I really don't know-" he sighed and jumped onto the counter, situating himself once more. "-though we have come to the conclusion that they've probably found out about Carson."
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Balz frown. "What makes you say that?" he asked.
"Well, when we went out hunting we 'coincidentally' ran into Tj, and he oh so nicely told us 'you should pay more attention to what creatures you take in. They aren't all as they seem.' then left," Ryan explained.
I furrowed my brows, "But what the hell would that have to do with Carson. We know she's an angel that's fallen?" I stated more as a question.
"That's actually good thinking, Devin," Balz exclaimed as he looked over towards Dev.
"What? Explain. Not everyone can hear thoughts," Chris said with a frown.
Devin shrugged, "Well I was just thinking over what Tj said. And well, what if Carson still has some of her angel abilities? And if it is her that they're talking about, it means they probably want something to do with her. Though if they want her it's for two reasons; A being they know we're close to her, B being the fact that they could possibly use her powers."
I gaped at Devin, "That is good logic. I actually wouldn't be too surprised if she still has some of her abilities seeing as how she didn't necessarily change right. When she fell, she should've been completely converted by the time she hit the ground." Seeing the confused face Ryan made I explained further. "What I mean is that by the time you guys found her, both her hair and wings should've been pitch black- not just starting to turn. Hell, her hair didn't even completely turn!"
"Ooohhhhhh," Ryan quietly mused, "that makes a lot of sense."
I nodded, and Balz adjusted his hood, "I suspect we'll be seeing them soon though I'm not sure. We all know Tj likes to fuck around with people." He stated what everyone was thinking.
Chris started pacing around the kitchen, seething. "I know, I know. We need to figure this out," he said as he ran a hand through his hair, clenching a few strands tightly.
"We'll all come up with something sooner or later," Devin said as he clenched his necklace in his hands. "If we keep forcing ourselves to think about it though we won't."
And he was completely right about that one.


I looked over my drawing that I had completed, and honestly was a little shocked. I didn't pay much attention to it while drawing it, seeing as how I like to let my mind take over while doing things like that.
The image was of a man with longish dark hair with his head bowed flocked by two other men who were hooded. The trio looked as though they were talking about something important. They were however in a room that was lit with candles and filled with books, and other little oddities.
Though as I looked closer at the picture, I noticed that the dark haired guy was holding something. It seemed to be a book, or a small box- something of the sort.
I've never seen those people or that room before so I had no idea on where the image came from. I shrugged deciding to not dwell on it, and pinned the picture up on my wall with all my others.
I didn't know if I was allowed to leave my room or not yet, so I started talking to Kuza once more.
"What was your life like before you came here?"
I grabbed another sheet of sketch paper and starting doodling Kuza's frame as he leaned against my door.
"Well, I was one of the most feared- which was a pretty high ranking. Then I got in a fight with Oli, the leader, and he kicked me out. I've always been on good terms with Chris, so he allowed me to work as a guard here."
I nodded slowly, in thought, "Oli...I think I know of him. I'm pretty sure I ran into him one day. He didn't seem too harsh."
Kuza let out a chuckle, "Well he's not going to be rude unless you do something to provoke him somehow. Not all demons are made of pure hate."
I let out a laugh, "Thanks for the tip I guess. I'll be sure to stay on his good side."
He shook his head and continued to talk- telling me things about other types of demons and whatnot- while I finished up my sketch of him that he had no clue I was doing.

"Uh Kuza, she was free to leave about an hour or so ago," I heard Balz yell down the hall.
"Well somebody should've said something!"
"Oh yeah...well she's free to go!" Balz said with a chuckle.
"Balz!" I groaned in faux anger. "I could've been out of here an hour ago, and you just now say something? I hate you."
I walked out of my room and into the hall, where I saw Balz coming back out of his room without his cloak on.
"I forgot okay! You know you love me," he teased with a cheesy (completely fake) smile.
"I'm still debating it," I said sarcastically as I walked up the stairs.
"Ouch," he feigned hurt with a hand to his chest. "Where're you headed to?"
I shrugged, "The library I think. I dunno, I may change my mind on the way though."
He laughed and shook his head, "Well I'll be out hunting with Ricky."
I gasped in faux horror, "You're stealing my brother from me? What if I need him to find a book or something for me?" I joked.
"That is why I have like 15 or so set out on the table in there for you, you dork."
I turned my head to see Ricky at the top of the stairs waiting for Balz obviously.
"I am no dork," I sassed as I approached the top of the stairs.
"Yes you are," Balz said from behind me.
"You know what? I don't need this negativity in my life. I'll be in the library," I said sarcastically while walking down the hall to the library.
I heard them both laughing, "Mhmm, that's it," I heard Balz call.
I rolled my eyes, and entered the library. As promised there was a stack of books awaiting me on the table. I grinned, and ran towards them, debating which one to read.
After selecting one, I sat down in one of the brown leather chairs near the table, and started to read about hell knows what. About a page into the book I realized it was a book about angels.

How lovely.

It's been a while since I've read an angel book though it wouldn't hurt to refresh my memory a little, right?

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