Call It Anything You'd Like

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I woke up to the feel of the hard, cold floor against my face and my arm slightly hurting.

I looked up at my bed and held in a laugh. I literally just fell off of my bed. How smart right?

I stood up and stretched. The tiny bit of pain in my arm subsided and I decided -even though it was basically the middle of the night and I should just go back to sleep- to take a walk.

I looked at what I was wearing and shrugged. It wasn't much. A cropped black tank top and black leggings. It'll work.

I walked out of the room after deciding that shoes weren't a necessity, and walked towards the balcony careful to avoid making any noise.

I opened the cool glass door quietly, stepped out, the shut it the same way.

I smiled and hopped over the edge of the balcony, landing on the ground with a small thud.

Looking around to make sure nobody heard or saw I took off in a full sprint towards the woods.

Once within the shelter of the woods I started walking. I didn't know where I was going, but in the back of my mind there was a destination set.

I wondered around aimlessly until I started to realize where I was. I mentally slapped myself but decided not to turn around.

Why my subconscious decided to take me here, I didn't currently know.

I stopped near the ending of the woods and looked at the house that peaked out in front of me.

"Back so soon?"

I jumped and looked around to find a figure coming towards me from across the average sized lawn.

As he neared me and I could see his features better, I realized who it was.

"I guess so," I replied while leaning against a tree.

"Well. Are you going to come in or stay out here? In the woods no less."

I let out a small laugh and stepped out of the woods to where Michael was waiting in all his snarky glory.

"I guess I'll come in."

"You'll be able to meet the guys. They're all lounging around in the den."

"So why're you out here?"

"I was about to go hunting, but I could both sense and smell you so I decided not to go hunting after all."

"Aww how cheeky." I chuckled and we both walked inside.

I heard loud voices coming from what I assume is the den.

The door slammed and we started walking towards the voices when someone yelled out, "You weren't gone long man, and what's that I smell? Did you bring back a treat?"

We entered the den and Michael slapped the man with somewhat long poofy brown hair on the head.

"Shut up, Ben. She's not food." he hissed playfully for effect and I grinned.

There was 7 guys in the room-the one called Ben being one of them.

Michael must've saw me looking around because he leaned down and started telling me who everyone was.

"That's Ben, Craig, and JJ" he said nodding towards the guy he hit, and the two guys beside him. One with longish black hair and one with shorter brown hair.

He pointed to two guys wrestling in the center of the room. "That's Denis and TJ."

A guy with long black hair waltzed into the room and jumped onto the back of the couch to watch Denis and TJ wrestle.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2015 ⏰

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