I'll Be Over Here

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I followed the guys into the living room and sat down on the couch by Ricky.

I looked up at Chris, who was still standing. "What is it you guys need to tell me?"

Chris was the one to speak. "We're pretty sure you just met the leader of The Coven, and had a nice little stay with them."

"We aren't 'pretty sure'. We know damn well you did." Balz butted in.

I was almost confused and then I remembered Balz could see thoughts.

"Well how was I supposed to know that? You guys don't tell me shit unless something happens. And he didn't seem too bad, he wasn't cruel like you all say."

Ricky grabbed my shoulders and turned me forcefully so I was looking directly at him. "Carson. Please promise us that you won't go back. I don't want you over there and neither do any of them." he pointed to the guys. "They could take you to torment us. Hell, they could do anything! And if anything happened to you I know damn well none of us would be able to stand it."

I looked at him and shrugged. "I mean I guess, but sometimes you don't exactly plan to meet people."

"Well fucking try not to at least!" he raised his voice a little, slightly digging his fingers into my shoulders-unknowingly of course.

Devin gave him a look and walked over to him. He tapped Ricky's shoulder and made him relax and drop his hands from my arms.

"Sorry." he muttered quietly. He may love me to death, but he has one hell of a temper and gets set off easily.

I shook my head. "Whatever. It's fine. And I'll try okay?"

I stood up and looked around seeing if they wanted to tell me anything else? Of course they didn't so I went down to my room and sulked.

They literally only tell me the basis of things and only explain if somethings happening. In this case nothing's happening so I just got a "here's the gist-these people are bad and you need to stay away" type of explanation.

A little while later I heard a knock at my door.

"What?" I said flatly.

"Can I come in?"

I looked up to see Ryan standing in the doorway. I shrugged and he entered.

"I know you're a bit upset about Ricky but-"

I stopped him. "No. That's not why I'm upset. You all acted as if I should've known who Michael was. And like it was my fault I got hurt." I turned away from him and looked out my window. "It's not like you guys tell me anything."

"Hey. We try to tell you as little as possible so that you aren't always worried as to what we're doing/who we're dealing with. Plus imagine if someone took you hostage and you knew loads of stuff. They'd keep you because you'd have valuable information."

I let out a small laugh. "Good answer that I know you just created out of nowhere as an excuse. But what'd you come in here for?"

He shook his head and grinned. "I didn't make that up! And I was telling you that your dinner is ready...and that Luci is up there waiting on you.

"Ooh Luci's here? Yay! Thanks for telling me." I got up, gave Ryan a hug, and ran upstairs, tripping over a few steps on my way up.

When I got to the kitchen I saw my favorite little pixie like angel. She had shortish black hair and wasn't exactly the tallest person you've ever met- which is the reason I call her a pixie even though she's a fallen one.

She comes and stays with us every now and then sometimes for short amounts of time, other times for weeks or months. It just depends on how she feels.

"Helllloooooo!" I yelled out.

She looked up from her plate and grinned widely. She got up and tackled me in a hug. "I haven't seen you in forever!" she exclaimed.

"You're the one that's been out and about roaming to different places. I've been here."

"This is true."

We sat down and ate our meal that Ryan made and talked about anything and everything out there.

She told me about the places she went and the things she did this past trip and I listened intently. She always has some story to tell which is always entertaining.

When we were both done with our meals I said that I was tired and she agreed, so we decided to go to sleep. On the way down to our rooms Balz stopped me and told me that Ricky wanted to see me in his room.

Luci's room was on the opposite end of the hall as mine was so we said our goodnights and parted ways when we reached the bottom of the stairs. She went left, I went right.

I was about to pass Rick's door when I remembered what Balz said. I knocked lightly waiting for him to answer.

I've learned to knock over time because I've walked in on so many things. Too many to count.

After a few seconds he opened the door and let me in. I leaned back against his bed frame and waited for him to talk.

"Hey Carson, I just wanted to let you know that I'm sorry for blowing up on you earlier. It was just a huge, bitter pill to swallow ya know? It's fine if you're mad or upset about it, I just want you to know that I'm sorry and shouldn't have done that."

I shook my head and gave him a smile. "I'm not mad or anything. It's okay, I know you can't help it."

"Thank god you aren't. I'm going to end up saying or doing something one day and you're going to hate me forever. I just know it."

"Nah. I don't think so. I know you don't mean what you say most of the time."

"Were you going to bed?"

At that question I yawned and nodded. "Yeah I was actually. I'm super tired."

He gave me a tight hug and kissed my forehead in a brotherly way. "Well goodnight, sleep well."

Walking out of his room I replied, "Goodnight, and I hope I will."

Once in my room I stripped free of the clothes I was currently in, my makeup, and everything else and put on some comfy pajamas. Oh what a relief it was.

I slid into bed and dozed off without thinking much of anything other than how different my life would be had some things not happened the way they did. And hoping tomorrow would be a decent day.

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