You Got Hell To Pay

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I jumped to full awareness, realizing I had started to doze off for the millionth time.

I looked at the book that was in my hands and shut it, deciding that reading just wasn't working out at the moment.

I got up and sat the book on the table by the stack Ricky had made, then walked out of the library.

I went to my room and changed. I put on high waisted black skinnies, a black long sleeved cropped shirt, and my shoes. I then went to my mirror, brushed through my straight hair, and carefully put less than half of it in a bun.

I then went back upstairs. "I'm going for a walk!" I yelled knowing that someone would hear it.

Sure enough, Devin heard. "Alright. Just don't go too far out, and be careful!"

"I won't, and I'll try my best!"

I then walked out of the main doors into the chilly outside air. Looking around I decided to walk through the woods.

When I was about halfway through the second set of woods I discovered, I tripped over a log I didn't see and took a tumble down a somewhat big hill I didn't know existed.

I laid on the ground for a minute, my head spinning and in pain. I felt something warm on both my head and face, so I put my hand up to my head. When I pulled it back i saw my hand stained with red. I groaned loudly and checked my cheek, which was also coated with blood.

"God dammit." I said out loud as I let my hand fall back to my side.

"Woah, are you okay? You took quite a fall."

I tensed up, not knowing who or what this person was. He had a small accent I couldn't place. Not anywhere foreign but something. "Uh yeah. I think so?"

"No you're not. You're bleeding a lot, I can smell it from here. You have cuts all across you."

I laughed. "So much for being careful. I'm assuming you're a vampire?"

"Yup," he said popping the 'p' as he walked towards me.

"Here." I looked up and saw his hand stuck out for me to take. I grabbed it and he pulled me up with ease.

I closed my eyes and squeezed his hand unintentionally.

"Dizzy?" he questioned knowingly.

I simply nodded. Once the small dizzy spell passed I opened my eyes and looked at him.

He had long, dark hair, and his eyes looked to be green. He was wearing a black tank top that showed off his tattoos and black skinny jeans with black shoes. He wasn't too bad looking.

"You need to clean that."

I raised an eyebrow at him when I saw he was looking at my head. "And how do you suggest I do that. I don't happen to carry that stuff around with me."

He chuckled. "Well my place isn't too far away if you think you can walk for about five to ten minutes."

I nodded. "Sounds better than walking about an hour the way."

When (according to him) we were almost halfway there he started to talk again. "I never got your name?"

I shrugged and kicked at a rock. "I never got yours."

"I like you," he said with a grin, "but the name's Michael. As for you?"

With a dramatic eye roll at his sarcasm I answered. "I'm Carson."

"How much farther? I'm starting to feel sick."

Michael looked back at me and grabbed my arm, "Come on. It's right up here, don't you see it?"

Weary, I looked ahead and what I saw shocked me. It was as big as where the guys lived, but slightly different in shape and how it was made. But it was still just as old and pretty.

"It's gorgeous," I said somewhat shocked.

"Thanks." he said with a smile. "Now let's go inside and clean you up." He tugged my arm little and I started walking again.

When we walked through the main doors I was met with a scent that reminded me of fall. I looked around and saw a few candles giving off light.

"Come on. This way." He started walking up a set of stairs, and I followed.

When we reached the top he led me down the corridor to the last room on the right. "This ones mine," he said as he opened the door.

The first thing I noticed was how dark it was, the second thing I noticed was the setup of his room. He had a bed, just like the guys do even though they rarely use them. He also had a desk and a bookshelf filled with books.

He walked around the room lighting candles, then walked into a conjoined room, probably a bathroom.

He walked out with some rubbing alcohol, gauze, and bandages.

"Sit," he said, pointing to the desk.

I did as he said and took a seat on top of the desk. It surprisingly was not cluttered, unlike mine.

I watched as he unscrewed the top off of the alcohol and wet a piece of gauze with it. "This is going to hurt some," he looked up at me and I nodded.

He looked around at all the scrapes and decided to do my head first. He moved my hair back and wiped the cut. I winced as the alcohol hit the wound, but decided it was bearable.

To take my mind off of it, I watched Michael's concentrated face as he made sure he cleaned and bandaged everything right.

When he was done, my body felt sore. It doesn't heal as quick as it used to, so all my cuts and scrapes will probably start healing tomorrow.

"You're an angel aren't you?"

I tensed and looked up at Michael. "What?"

Chris and Ricky made it clear that nobody was to know that. They said nobody should be able to detect it.

He looked down at me with a grin. "I can sense it. You have a certain aura about you."

I shook my head. "Well I'm technically not an angel anymore."

He furrowed his brows in confusion. "You're a fallen angel?"

I nodded slowly. "I know I don't exactly look like it. I'm tired."

"Then rest," he motioned to his bed, "you can go back to your place whenever you feel like you can make the journey."

I got up, but before I got into the bed I have Michael a hug. "Thank you." I then walked around to the side of the bed, took off my shoes, and laid down.

I saw Michael shake his head. "It was no problem." I then watched as he walked around the room blowing out the candles. He left the one closest to the bed aflame.

"Yell if you need anything. And I apologize in advice for myself because I know I'm going to end up coming in here a lot."

"Ehh I'm sure I won't be bothered." and with that I rolled over and conked out.

I'm Not the Only One | Michael VampireWhere stories live. Discover now