We Live In Infamy

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I laughed in amusement at how quickly Carson fell asleep. Though it was probably from all the blood she lost which isn't quite as humorous.

Oh well.

I exited the room, shutting the door quietly behind me, and walked downstairs to find everyone.

The first person I came upon was one of our caretakers. "Aye, yo Nick!"

He spun around rather quickly and looked at me with his big black eyes. "Yeah?"

"Go get the shitheads and tell them I'll be in the parlor. I'm assuming you know where they are. Get Johnny and have him help you."

He nodded and walked off, yelling at Johnny to "get his lazy ass up and help him".

I walked into the parlor and stood in front of the fireplace waiting for everyone to come.

Tj and Dj were the first to enter and they took a seat on the couch closest to me.

Craig walked in next with his hands shoved in his pockets and stood so that he was leaned against the couch.

Joshua (J.J.) was the last to enter and he quickly took a spot standing on the side of the couch, opposite of Craig.

"So what's this for?" J.J. asked as he looked around at everyone.

"You, my dear friend," I pointed at Tj, "were right. For the most part."

He looked slightly confused. "What?"

"I said you were basically right. Chris and them do have an angel living with them. She's obviously a fallen angel but she's not fully...how do I say this? Basically she's still half full on angel."

Craig shook his head a little. "And you know this how?"

"Oh yeah. She's only sleeping in my room as of now. Her name's Carson."

"Wait what? Did you-"

"No, I did not force her here. I simply saw her fall down that hill in the woods. She got banged up pretty bad, had cuts all over her, so she agreed to come here and let me clean and bandage them."

They all 'ohh'd' at my response. They clearly don't think I can be nice. I'd say I'm offended but I'm usually not the nicest guy out there.

"Well are you making her stay? Does she know who we are?" Dj asked.

I shook my head. "No and no. I told her she can leave when she feels she can make the journey, but I know she'll come back. She's a curious being. And no, she doesn't know who we are other than what my name is. Apparently Chris didn't inform her well of anything."

We continued to talk about it for a little while longer and then we all went back to doing whatever the hell we were doing beforehand.

I decided to check on Carson since I currently had nothing better to do with my life.

I opened the door to my room quietly so I wouldn't wake her, walked in, and shut the door once more.

The candle I had lit was still burning and putting out a little bit of light. I lit 3 other candles that were sitting on my dresser in the black candle holder I had just so I had more light.

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