Metting Kallee

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Disclosure: I do not own most of the character in this book except Kallee and Libby and maybe a few others.

I watch my little sister Libby from a distance. Her blonde hair flies behind her as she swings on the play set. I have been doing this since she was five . I was fifteen then, now I'm three months from turning eighteen and Libby just turner eight last week.

I guess I should explain. Libby and I are orphans. We were put in foster care about seven years ago, after our father died, officially it was an accident, but I know the truth. Libby got adopted at the age of three and a half, but because of my age, I never did. So I follow Libby from a distance now, keeping tabs on what she does.

Every once in a while over the years I have been lucky enough to actually get a chance to talk to her. It's never long enough and I always have to leave quickly. But it is those rare moments that I live for.

There is something else that causes me to follow her. We are shifters. So when she goes through her first shift she is going to need my help controlling it.

Libby's new family just moved them to a new town, Beacon Hills. So in turn, I also moved to this strange little town.

I pull my long, tangled, brown and red hair back out of my face, take a deep breath, then turn. I start to walk away, only to be knocked on my butt when I run into a hard chest.

"What were you doing watching that little girl?" He questions angrily.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I play dumb. I push off the ground and brush myself off, not wanting to look up to him and feel weak, however considering my hight of 5'3" I still have to look up to him.

"I saw you the last two days when that little girl comes. Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about."

"Well what have you been doing here? Were you watching her?" I ask fear for Libby hitting me square in the stomach. I can tell by his scent that he is an alpha and a strong one at that.

"She is my adoptive cousin. Her family is staying with mine till they buy a house. Now your turn. Why are you watching Libby?"

"That's none of your business." Then I turn and run away as fast as I can.

I run until I reach my makeshift home in the woods. It is an old shack with faded blue walls, old moth eaten curtains and an old ratty couch. It's not much but it keeps me dry. Well, mostly.

I sit on the couch and pull my legs up to my chest, resting my chin on my knees.


I wake up to the sound of feet outside. I had fallen asleep and by now it was dark outside. I catch their scents and realize that there are a couple werewolves out there. Once of them was the alpha that I had meet earlier that day.

I tiptoe over to one of the windows and peer outside. When I look out I see a group of teenagers. I run quietly back over to the couch, tug on my boots, and pull my backpack onto one arm. I sneak along the wall to the back door.

When I open the door I cringe as it creaks. I walk slowly around to the edge of the building, making sure to stay in the shadows I recognize one of them as the boy I ran into today, so I edge a little closer and listen to what they are saying.

"Are you sure she is here, Scott?" One of the guys asks him.

"Yeah I can smell her. This is where she has been staying at least." Scott says.

"Maybe she was, but she doesn't seem to be here now. Scott lets go." The dark haired girl says, making a move to leave, but another boy stops her.

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