First day

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"Hurry up guys!" Stiles yells up to us. The boys are waiting downstairs for us to finish up, they are unable to leave because I am ridding to school with Stiles and Scott as well as Scott's beta Liam. Allison is riding with Isaac on his bike and Lydia and Kira were riding to school together in Lydia's car.

Allison picked out some black ripped jeans, with lace leggings to go under them, and a Harry Potter shirt with Hermione's famous line from the first movie, a black leather jacket, red converse, and a black beanie.

Once I finish getting dressed Lydia has me sit down on a chair and she starts applying makeup. After what felt like three hours Lydia lets me get up and look at myself in the full length mirror.

I look totally different. My hair is curly, but not frizzy, and has my bangs pulled back so you can see my face. Lydia had done a smoky eye look on me, added a bit of eyeliner, mascara, blush and red lips.

"Wow." Is all I can say.

"You like it?" Lydia asks, clasping her hands together.

"I love it. Thank you guys." I say giving them a quick hug before we head downstairs. I hesitate at the top of the steps. I look to Allison, who smiles and nods at me.

When I walk down the stairs the guys turn to look at me. Everyone seems to have gone speechless. "What? Is it that bad?" I ask.

"No! You look great." Stiles says, causing me to blush.

"Well, you, you look older." Scott says. Isaac look at Scott with a knowing look.

"What's that look for?"

"Well, Scott and Isaac are thinking that they will have to scare away some boys for you." Allison tells me.

"Oh. Why?" I ask, still confused.

"Because you are gorgeous and all the guys will all want a piece of you." Lydia say.

"Oh." Seems like that is all I can say.

"Come on. Lets get going." Isaac says.


The first day is always bad, but when its your first day of school in several years, well, that makes it worse. In all of my classes I had to introduce myself and say a little bit about myself. I tried my best to keep the personal facts to a minimum.

By the time lunch came around I thought I was going to have a panic attack. The moment I walked into the lunch room I was bombarded with smells, sweat and food being the main scents as well as cologne and teenage hormones. I was also hit by the sounds of students talking, more like yelling if you ask me.

"Hey come sit with us, darling." Some meat-head jock says, licking his lips and winking at me. It takes all my strength not to punch him in the face. Instead I roll my eyes and keep walking.

Apparently he didn't like that, because next think I know he has grabbed my arm. "Don't walk away from me you-" He never gets a chance to finish that sentence because I grab the hand he isn't holding me with and twist it back. Any further and his wrist would break.

"Don't ever. Ever! Touch me again. Got it?" I ask, not so nicely. I twist his wrist a centimeter more, causing him to whimper and shake his head yes. Then I let go.

I spin on my heals and march off, leaving him cradling his wrist.

"Hey over here Kallee." I hear Lydia say, a moment later seeing her arm waving in the air.

"How's you first day been so far?" Scott asks once I sit down at the table with them.

"Fine." I reply.

"That's good. Was that guy giving you trouble?" Stiles asks and I look back at the jock who is glaring daggers at me.

"Nothing I couldn't handle." I say with a smirk.

Then the conversation steers to other topics. I hear words like project, work, and something about Derek even. However I am not really paying much attention to what is actually said.

Instead I stare out the big window. There are other students milling around, talking and eating, then I see a tall hooded figure like the one I saw the other morning at Scott's. The moment my eyes land on him a thin, long finger beckons me to come to him. Then just like that he turns and walks to a far side of the building, still in sight but away from people.

"I'll be right back guys." I say quickly, before standing up and heading out the doors. The figure starts to move and I chase him to the tree line next to the school, where I finally lose him.

"Kallee? What are you doing? It's time to go to class." Lydia says.

"I thought I saw..." I trail off, not actually sure what I saw.

"What did you see?" She asks looking out into the woods.

"Nothing. It was nothing. Let's go." Then I turn and we head back inside the school.

"Hey where did you run off to?" Stiles asks.

"I just needed to get some air. I think being around so many people at once was just getting to overwhelming." I say looking at my feet.

"That's okay. I know it can be a bit much, even for a human. However since you have heightened senses it's even more so." Scott says and Isaac nods along with him.

"So where is my next class." I ask trying to steer the conversation elsewhere.

"PE. Scott, Stiles, Isaac, and I will be there as well." Kira says, smiling at me.

"PE?" I ask, remembering what that was like when I was younger.

"Yeah, it sucks." Stiles says, looping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me along.

"Great." I mumble.

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