Medic x reader

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( this is for Koisukianata! I'm sorry to say that I have zero knowledge on the German language and therefor can't bring the German accent to life but I hope you enjoy anyways! )

Your head was pounding, blood flowing from your forehead, you run to the med bay as fast as you could, hoping you could make it before you passed out but just when you were about to push open the doors, the lack of blood caught up with you and you were quickly out cold. After a while you woke up on the cold, hard, medical table " Ah! You're awake! " you heard a very familiar voice chime " M-medic.." You grumble, your head still pounding " Vhat happened to you exactly?" He questions, glancing at you, " well one minute I was killing some blu bastards and the next minute I'm being shot at, a sniper managed to hit my head." Medic nods and sighs " Good thing you're quick because if you didn't pass out at my doors than I vould have never found you." You smile slightly. You sit up and glance around ' no ones here..' Usually there was at least one other person in the room besides you and Medic but not this time, you've had feelings for medic for a very long time but never had the courage to confess not to mention heavy was all over Medic 24/7 " uh hey doc?" You mumble " Vhat is it ( y/n ) " He flashes a small smile which makes your heart jump and your face turn a light pink " I've been meaning to tell you this for a while now and I've been to scared to but..I-i really like a lot.." You stumble with your words which causes medic to chuckle " I love you to Frau~ " he walks closer to you and softly places his lips on yours but the moment it happened Heavy busts through the door " DOCTOR " you and medic both jump " NO DOCTOR NO"

I hope you enjoyed!! And please request who you want next!!

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