Medic x Reader! Fluff!

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I apologize for this, it's like 3:00 am and I haven't wrote anything in forever. Also this is gonna have a second part because I'm to stressed to finish it right now but the second part should be up fairly soon, requested by @KoisukiAnata

You sat silently on a metal table, covered in cuts and bruises, you shifted your head to the side to get a good look at the room, Medic had left a bit ago, claiming he was going to get some medicine. You shifted yourself slightly, getting impatient, a small creak filled yours ears causing you to whip your head in the noises general direction, to your luck it was Medic. His coat was removed which gave you an opportunity to observe him, he was rather toned for a man his age but then again he did fight almost everyday of his life so he was bound to be in good shape. " I apologise for making you wait." Medic mumbled quietly, obviously not even the slightest bit sorry for keeping you waiting, you smiled slightly before laying yourself down on the medical table properly " No need to apologise." You said happily, to be completely honest you loved being in here just the smell of this place put you at peace. Medic walked over to the table and set the bottle of pills down beside your hand " No need to lay down (Y/N), you have nothing serious. Just wrap up your cuts and you v'ill be just fine." He sighed, turning his attention to something on his desk, you sat up quickly, an odd amount of disappointment filling you " well could you at least help me with the wrap so I can get this done faster? I didn't drag my tired, bloody ass in here just to be told to leave." You grumbled, yeah you had to admit you were a little short tempered in situations such as these but these were the only times that you could be with Medic without having another teammate show up and ruin everything. Medic turned around, eyeing you with a look of slight annoyance on his face " Fine, but if I do this for you, you v'ill do something for me." He stated, grabbing some bandages " Alright was is it?" You asked, he didn't respond, he merely gave you a small chuckle. Medic had never asked you to do something for him before so this set off curiosity, your mind wondering what he could want, maybe he wants to test on you! Or possibly kill you and use your insides for experiments but either way you were cool with whatever he wanted. Before you realized it, Medic had already patched you up and motioned for you to stand, you obeyed, giving him a curious look only getting a small, yet sweet, smile in response " Follow me, please."

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