Sniper x reader! Prt. 2

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Sniper took a sharp inhale as he quietly made his way down the hall, quietly practicing what he wants to say to them. He shifted awkwardly as he came to a stop, the door felt like it was looming over him, almost felt like he was about to enter some war zone that he wasn't familiar with; he gulped and gripped the door nob, turning it barely before sighing. The door opens with a loud creak, causing both people to wince " Uh hey...(y/n)?".

The familiar Australian accent filled the dark room, (Y/n) bolted up, their hair in a tangled mess " S-sniper! Um yeah what'd you need?" They stumbled with their words but ultimately got it out " I was just checking up on you..but I do have a couple questions that i'd like to ask." He said, quietly. His face was barely shown as he let his hat tilt at an odd angle, his stepped into the room and quickly shut the door, both of their hearts were racing, the loud beats pounded in their ears " O-oh okay." (Y/n) spoke softly, an odd feeling pooled in their stomach as the man shifted in front of them " I'd hate to just put you on the spot here but why have you been ignoring me?" He asked, his voice holding a lot more pain than anticipated. (Y/n) felt their heart skip a beat, their body dead still " Well the thing is...I...uh have this problem that I've been having trouble dealing with." They said, trying to sound confident but failing miserably " Really? But you usually come to me to help with them so why the change?" Sniper asked, crossing his relatively muscular arms. (Y/n) felt a small lump form in their throat as he spoke, he sounded even more hurt than before which caused the lump to get bigger and bigger until they felt as though they were choking on their own emotions " Look, Sniper, It's really hard for me to say this but i..." (Y/n) couldn't finished the rest of the sentence before feeling small pangs of sadness, they brought their hands to their face and breathed out, the fact that Sniper had yet to respond had made them feel far to stressed. A small shift of the mattress took (y/n) by surprise as they removed their hands, they caught a good look at the mildly concerned expression on the man who's now seated beside them " Take your time." He chuckled, giving them a reassuring smile, (y/n) felt the stress melt away instantly just by the warmth coming from the man " Before I answer can I ask you something?" (Y/n) asked, giving Sniper a questioning look " Go right ahead." He gave them another smile, except this one was a bit crooked, showing off his not so perfect teeth. " Well I was wondering what you would do if you were madly in love with someone who is not only way out of your league but your close friend as well?" (Y/n) asked, fiddling with their fingers but keeping eye contact with the Australian " Is that your problem? Your in love with someone your close to? Well if we're going off of what I would do..I guess I would just tell them or just kiss them or y'know something not exactly subtle." He chuckled, fixing his hat " Really? That's extremely bold, I don't know how you have so much confidence." (Y/n) praised the man for his odd amount of confidence, earning a series of modest comments " So just kissing them out of the blue is a good way to show someone you love them?" (Y/n) asked, feeling a bit iffy about doing something so bold " Well I wouldn't say it's a good way but it is, y'know, a way to do it." Sniper said, sounding as though he was questioning if he'd given bad advice or not " For example, if I were to do this-" he started before gripping the collar to (y/n)'s shirt and pulling them forward, pressing his lips against theirs aggressively, before (y/n) could return the kiss their lips were already apart "-it would let them know I love them." He purred, admiring the blush that had taken over you face. (Y/n) reached up and placed two fingers on their bottom lip before grabbing sniper and kissing him again, they couldn't help but smile at the contact, every bit of stress and sadness that had overwhelmed them disappeared, the two parted once more " Holy fuck I love you." (Y/n) squeaked, still holding onto the male " Love you too, sweetheart." He laughed, planting a small kiss on their lips.


I apologize for it being so short, I might write one more that includes some sex but I dunno. Y'all probably still thirsty because that was only a little bit of water . ( nah bitch I'm quenched )


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