No Mistake

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            The dawn following the final conclave was chaos.  The final conclave had been an amazing distraction, a time for every pirate to celebrate together before everyone was forced to return to Effugere on the day of the solstice.  I had originally planned on staying away from Firesweet, blaming the drink for Briamy’s rash actions.  But I couldn’t do it.  I was unable to feel the music without it, unable to dance my troubles away and forget my losses.  I stumbled over my own feet, listless in my movements.  By the end of that first song pirates were beginning to notice, attributing the emptiness to Mají’s absence.

I headed straight for the bar when the comment struck home, bent on getting a drink, a real drink, to encourage livelihood.  But before I could say a word the bartender, a younger red-head with a self-satisfied smirk on her face, placed a bowl of Firesweet spheres and walked away.  I drank four of them, giving me enough energy to pretend to have a good time.  Each time I returned to the bar after that she gave me another sphere, nearly making me sick by the time dawn arrived.

            Everyone drudged through the doors of the compound when Vidan announced that the night was over, guys out the front, and girls out the back.  Together we wove our way through the narrow streets of the new city.  I walked beside Obsidarian listening to him rattle off the events I had missed by hiding in my quarters for the past fortnight.   

            I nodded absentmindedly, only half paying attention as I lead the throng of pirates through the streets to the edge of the city, where the little meadow, strewn with boulders, was located.  It was the point where we had all entered the game, and it would be the point where we would leave it as well.

            “Are you listening Piratess?” he asked. 

            I glanced at my first mate guiltily.  This would be the third time I had made him repeat his report because I couldn’t pay focus.

            “Shall I go over it again?” he said, sighing and smiling slightly.

            I grinned half-heartedly, trying once more to listen to his words.

            “Three crew members have left since you became captain.” he began.  “Despite the Griffon’s words, they refuse to serve with Narasia.  Members of other crews, among them Storm’s first mate and many of Carnie’s girls, have shown up at the gates asking to join the crew.  I told them they could see you next year, is that ok?”

            “Yea,” I agreed.  “Good call Obsidarian.”

            My first mate swelled with pride, beaming at the small praise before he continued.

            “Carnie showed up as well, demanding to speak with you.  She threatened to call you out in a public challenge if we turned her away.  I accepted of course, but told her she wouldn’t be let through the gate while she still had her rapier in her possessions.  She wouldn’t come in unarmed though, so you never had to listen to her.  Other than that it’s been pretty quiet; minor problems, nothing to worry you about.”

            I nodded, allowing the short conversation to lapse into silence.  I wondered if Carnie would have tried to kill me, to avenge her brother’s death, or if she too would understand.  She and Mají were closer than Red and I.  Yet if she had killed Red… would I have killed her for it?  I was sure that if Mají had killed me that Red wouldn’t have cared.  He would have hidden behind Tempest Storm and ignored my death as much as he had ignored my life.  Mají was different from Red.  He had protected Carnie, and would have killed for her, but would she do the same?

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