Cat's Blues: 1

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 When your world consists of a compound and a small handful of people, you’re all ways going to want more. When you don’t know what sun light is, you want to feel it. When you don’t know what it’s like to be free, you’ll fight for that freedom. And sadly, I will not get that freedom. I was born here in this lab and this is where I will stay. Here within its protected walls, where it is safe….right? When your life is all ways scheduled, and you’re all ways controlled, you’re going to grow stir crazy. I think sometimes this is what breaks people; it causes them to shut down. I see it here a lot, just people wandering around like their lost…

                White light poured into my room chasing away the shadows, pulling my standard issue cotton blankets up to above my head, I heard his voice again. Just like every morning. Same time, every day.

                “Good morning Ai, it’s time to get up and begin the day” Followed by the normal ho, ho, ho laughter. Hissing under my breath, I sighed and pushed back the covers. As the intercom clicked off, “Oh happy day.” I mumbled for the thousandth time rubbing my ears. As I stumbled to my feet I’d slip on my plain boring white flats, and laid my head on the door. Waiting for it to slid open, softly pounding my head on the door, I sighed and here we go again. With my tail wrapped around my waist the door slid open and there stood the oh so loyal, guardian, bodyguard, and all around meat shield Chase. Mid-twenties, does remember all the time to lock the door, I guess I like him. He gave me a nod and tugged lightly on my tail as it uncurled from my waist, “Let’s go get food” he knows I don't like that.

Waving him off, “Yeah, yeah breakfast then school with all the other mutant chimp children, then free time blah, blah, blah” Doing my best to saunter down the stalk white hall, Chase smiled easily keeping pace with me. This is how things worked here, boring same old same old. Walking into the mess hall,  I paused to look at myself in the windows. Big brown eyes, long light brown eyes, and of course the ears of a cat, yeah just your normal everyday mutant. Frankly I got off easy, I get mixed with cat genes and some of the other people ‘collected’ here are just freakishly gross.

 No offence to them but they are. Standing in the line for sandwiches, I leaned on Chase. The world began to spin again I wanted to hurl, I saw him look over at a tall mass standing in the opposite corner. “Hey big guy cut the field you making Ai sick!” He bellowed. I could see the mass hunker down, and the world went back to normal. That's a Harold, big, possibly has the intelligence of a fish, all so a telepath. Looking at the tray set out in front of me I groaned, turkey and cheese, noodles, ect. The women behind the counter glared at me as I smiled. Same thing again gross, Chase walked me over to an empty table and slammed his tray down. Yeah he’s grumpy as well.

                “What’s the matter solider?” I asked taking a bite of my noodles, through his long blonde hair I saw light hazy eyes, they looked sad. Flattening my ears on my head, I watched as he smiled. “Why do I put up with the officers crap?” He asked, lowering his voice. I glanced at the camera’s that were mounted on the walls, “Because you love being my meat shield.” Standing up I looked up at the camera, “Even though I’ve never left this hell hole” I yelled. They swiveled away from me, as I sat back down Roy slid onto the bench next to me, “Hey” here we go again

Once again I sat in my desk. The one I’d craved a heart into, and the one that sat next to Dylan’s. Who I guess you could call a modern day boogie man. His power was being able to morph and control darkness. He lay slumped on the desk snoring loudly, the teacher was blathering on. I never bothered to learn his name frankly, I didn’t care. With my head on the desk I wiggled my tail on the ground, before a black boot stomped on it. Holding in a yelp, I looked over at Johnny who smirked at me. Flipping him the bird, he moved his boot. From the corner I saw Chase bite his lip, I glared at Johnny, who relaxed back in his desk. Still watching him, I shifted in my seat and rememorized the room. One way in one way out. No windows, three cameras, two with the wires cut. Twenty-four desks, with ten filled. All towards the back of the room, as far away from the teacher as possible, one teachers desk, one TV overhead. I’m not sure if it works. Hidden wires on the walls that they think we can’t see, and of course one intercom. There was a cough behind me and again pain shot through my tail. Whipping around him my desk, I held out a sharpened pencil as a shank.

                “Do it again I dare you” I hissed, flattening my ears on my head. Chase shifted uncomfortable in my vision, Johnny just sat there. Like the asshole he is. He smirked at me and said:

“Aw is the kitty angry?”

 On cue, a black mass appeared behind him. Jumping towards him hissing, Johnny fell back into it. Dylan sat up and rubbed his messy hair, as the mass carried Johnny up to the front of the room dropping him in a desk. The teacher looked at us and I said “He kept stepping on my tail…and I was going to stab him. A lot” With a polite smile the teacher returned to the board, I could see him shaking slightly. Yeah its obvious he’s afraid of us.

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