Chapter 10: Thankful

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I got to the school around 12 and then headed straight for the in house dorms office.

"Hey, are there any open dorms?" I asked the lady sitting at the front office.

"No I'm afraid we gave away our last few spots yesterday day and now there's only the waiting list." She said giving me a sad smile.

"Oh, well can I be put on the waiting list?" I asked. Hopefully it wasn't too long.

"Sure, I'm going to need your name and school ID number." She said turning to her computer, ready to type.

"Beatrix L. H. Jones. 756265551." I raddled off the numbers for the lady and then sat patiently waiting.

"Okay Beatrix, your 3rd on the list with a 1-2 month wait." She smiled at me and handed me a card with a number written on it. "If we don't get to you with an update once a week call this and it will tell you by just pressing your ID number in after the call number."

"Thanks." I said turning to leave and seeing the devil standing across the hall.

Mike, Chester, and Dave were asking people things and looking around.

How the hell did they find me so fast? Why would they want to fallow me?

I pulled on my hoodie from my bag and hid myself away. I stepped out of the office fast and turned in the opposite direction of the boys. I fast walked down the hall. And through the doors.

I got out side and broke out into a sprint across the campus and towards work.

Once I saw the building I slowed down and let myself try to regain my normal breathing.

I walked inside the diner and straight to the back office.

"Hey Bea, I wasn't expecting you in today." Said Callie the manager from behind her desk.

"I want at planning on coming in but I need to talk about putting in more hours and trying to earn that raise faster." I said sitting down in one of the chairs in front of her.

"Sure, like full time?" She asked.

"Yeah, I really need the money, I lost my place and don't even have enough for dinner tonight." I said sounding just as desperate as I felt.

"Of course, right me up you class schedule and I'll give you rough draft of the shifts." She handed me a small calendar and a pen. I wrote down the information and handed everything back to her.

After a minute she gave me back the calendar and I looked it over. I had a single on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday, the slow days. She put me in the doubles for Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday, the faster days.

"I thought if you really need the money, you'd want the good shifts."

"Thank you so much." I said standing up and walking towards the door.

"No problem. Hey Bea. Will you take down the help wanted sign, now that we have another full time we don't need any." She said smiling at me.

"Of course, thanks Callie." I walked out of the office and towards the front window. I pulled the sign off the door and then put it under the counter up front.

"Hey Bea!" Called Sidney from across the diner.

"Hi Sid." I waved to her as I excited the diner.

Mental Note: Remember to watch were your going.

I ran straight into a hard chest and started to fall backwards.

I slammed my eyes shut and waited for the impact. When I didn't feel anything I open my eyes to see Mike looking down at me.

"You can't get run away like that missy." He said his nose inches from mine.

"Whatever." I said standing up and forcing him to let go of me.

"Why so rude?" He asks as Chester and Dave walk up to us.

"Will you guys just leave? I can't be seen with you." I said trying to walk away and failing.

"Why?" Mike asked in a little child's voice.

"Because." Was all I said and again tried to push through the triangle of men around me.

"Because why?" Chester asked in the same childish voice Mike had used.

"Because I don't need to be swarmed by people right now okay, so just leave me alone and forget we ever met." I said slipping past them and walking away.

"I don't thing so." Suddenly I was on top of Mike's should as he walked with me towards the street.

And you know what, I wasn't mad.

Thankful: T-H-A-N-K-F-U-L; thankful; adjective/ felling or expressing gratitude; appreciation

I was thankful. I never actually want him to leave me alone, I hated my life, but less so when he was in it. So I wanted him to chase me and drive me crazy and make me feel like more than an empty hole.

So bring it on Mike Shinoda.

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