Chapter 11: Home

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I let him carry me over his shoulder all the way to car, where I was forced into the backseat. Then to make it worse a sweaty Chest and Mike sat squishing me together.

Dave the luck bastard got to sit up front all by his lonesome.

"Where to Mr. Shinoda?" Dave asked in his fancy voice impression.

"Back to the house please, good sir." Mike said imitating Dave.

"Dave you want to plug this in for me Chester said ruining the face by guy theme.

"Of course!" Dave said with his now fan girl voice.

"Omg thanks bae!" Chester said in his fan girl voice.

"Omg you want to shut up?" I said in a high pitched fan girl voice.

Chester laughed. "Did I mention I like you?" He said throwing his arm over my shoulder.

"Nope." I said popping the 'p' and moving his sweaty arm off of me.

"Well, I'm saying it now." He moved in for a big sweaty hug. "Mike join our group hug."

Mike the asshat he was joking in the sweaty group hug too.

"Oh god! You guys are gross please get off of me." I said wiggling to make them let go.

"Well because you asked with manners, I guess we will." Chester said and him and Mike released me.

"Why exactly are you guys so sweaty?" I asked

"Because we had to chase after your dumbass." Chester said

"I'm going to cut your balls off in your sleep Bennington." I said, smiling like a mad woman on crack.

Chester slowing moved closer to the door.

"And..." I said a last minute thought popping into me head, "I'm going to make a fortune on eBay by selling them."

"Mike you may want to keep your door locked at night." Dave joked.

"Yeah, no kidding." Chester said, pushing himself onto the door.

"Oh no, Mike's safe. I've always like him better." I admitted, then blushed when I realized what I said.

"We're here!" Said a now obvious Dave.

"Thank god." I pushed Chester to the ground out of the open door and hurriedly jumped out.

"I take it back, I don't like her!" Chester said from where he sat on the ground.

I laughed and so did Dave. Mike sat on the phone still sitting in the car.

"Mike." Chester whined 

"Just a sec Chaz." Mike said putting his phone in his pocket and getting out of the car.

"Look what she did to me." Chester said still on the ground.

"Nice one." Mike said giving me a high five.

"You guys are big bullies." Chester finally pulled himself off the ground and glared at us.

"What ever." Mike said moving with me towards the front door. He unlocked it and let us all in. "Welcome to your new home Bea." Mike said putting his arm around me.

I wanted to scream, but just grinned like and idiot instead.

Home: H-O-M-E: home; noun/ a shelter that is usually residence of a family

In a single day I went from nothing to everything I wanted, a home and maybe even a family. Nothing I'd ever felt was as awesome and close to how I felt right now.

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