Chapter 2: Lunch

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I realized I never properly introduced myself. My name is Kaela Stowe and I'm the most popular Senior in highschool. Anyways... I find my bus pass and run to my stop just in time. I make my way on the bus and there are no seats except for this one seat next to a guy I've never seen before (and I know everybody). I take a seat next to him and slide my bus pass back into my bag. I try to pull out my phone and it drops on to his lap.

"I guess you must really want my number if your going to put your phone in my lap," he says.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry," I reply while blushing.

"It's OK really. I'm new here. Me and my family had to move. It sucks because this is my senior year and I miss my friends," he says.

"Oh that sucks. I'm a senior, too though. Can I see your schedule to see if we have any classes together?" I ask him nicely. He nods and hands over his schedule as I take out mine to compare them.

"My name is Harry by the way. Harry Styles. Oh and here's your phone back," he says as he watches me.

"Oh my god! I'm so rude. My name is Kaela Stowe and it looks like we have chemistry and photography class together," I reply back feeling embarrassed not introducing myself.

"Well, we do have chemistry," he says cheekily making me giggle. He is definitely funny. And cute, too. We get to school and he walks me to class as we talk the whole way. I like him. And his eyes are a beautiful forest green that could knock me off my feet.


Mr. Dorchak is the teacher and already has a homework assignment. He assigned us seats and I sit in front of Harry. I can already tell that I'm only looking forward to this class because of Harry. He is just so charming. I stare at the clock as the minutes tick by like hours. *RRRIIINNNNGGG* The lunch bell finally rings and Harry and I walk out to the senior quad together. We grab our lunch and sit on the grass, never looking away from each other.

"Hey, Harry I was just wondering if you wanted to come over after school to work on the chemistry project?" I ask, hoping he says yes.

"Um...Sure. That sounds great. How about you text me your address and I come by at 3:30? Or could I just come by right from the bus?"

"You can come right from the bus. Also my sister doesn't get home until 8:30 because of volleyball practice and my dad doesn't get home until 9:30 or 10:00-ish," I inform him.

The bell rings .

"Ok. So I will see you after school. Bye Kaela," he gets up, gives me a hug and goes to his next class. I really am starting to like him.


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