Chapter 3: "Studying"

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The first day of school is finally over and Harry and I are walking to the bus, yet again. I go to get my pass out of my bag and its not there. I knew this day was going all too well. I just hope Bill the Bus Driver won't mind.

"Hey Bill," I playfully punch his shoulder,"old buddy... Um I lost my pass," I try to be calm, cool, and collected. It doesn't work and five minutes later I'm walking home. Next thing I know the bus is stopping in front of me and someone gets out literally 30 feet away from the school. I look closer and see its Harry walking towards me. I run towards him and stop right in front of him, out of breath.

"Why... did you...get off the...bus?" I ask him in between breaths.

"I just thought it would be weird if I showed up to your house and waited outside the door for however long until you got home," he stated. I nodded my head in agreement while laughing until my sides hurt.

**1 1/2 hours later**

We finally get to my house and we are both exhausted. I go get 2 water bottles for us and some snacks. After we chill for a while we decide to finally crack open our chemistry books and get started.

"I hate this class. It is so BORING!! " I shout. Harry laughs. He helps me struggle through chapter one AND take notes. After two hours of studying, writing, and misery I finally convince Harry to take a break.

"Ryan Seacrest isn't gay. He just posted an Instagram picture with his girlfriend, " Harry argued. I laughed.

"I didn't say he was gay. I said he wasn't good looking and that he ACTED gay," I argued back while laughing.

"Kaela, I like you. A lot. And I know we just met today but I feel that you are the most real person I've ever met," he says this and I'm shocked. It's like he read my mind. Without thinking, I lean in and kiss him. He's shocked at first, then he kisses back. Our lips move in sync. The words have vanishes as passion took it's place. We lean back until we're laying on my bed. I'm laying on top of him as his arms wrap around my waist and my hands are tangled in his amazingly soft hair. Ruining the moment, my sister walks in. Being the 8th grader she is, she simply states "EWWW!!!". We jump up, breathless, giggling. We both wipe the sides of our mouth while showing a small smile.

"What do you need, Ava," I say slightly irritated.

"Nothing. Just some help reaching the peanut butter and the jelly. It's not my fault I'm short," she retorts. This makes us laugh.

"I'll be right there, Ava," I say while closing my books.

"No, let me. I wanna get to know your little sis anyways and you need to study," Harry said while getting up and following Ava out the door.

"THANK YOU!!" I shout to Harry.


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