Chapter 5: Morning

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We get back from Harry's house and make our way through the mud room and to the living room. The TV was on but my sister was nowhere in sight. I go upstairs and hear her singing before I get near the door. I calm down and go back down stairs. I find Harry sitting on the couch, surfing the channels.

"Wanna make a fort out of blankets and pillows? " he asks, his eyes are beaming with excitement. I say yes and we spend the next ten minutes gathering, putting things in a pile, and plan our structure. After we finish building our fort, we gather snacks including popcorn, candy, soda, juice, brownies, whipped cream, and cake. The next thing I know, we're both on a sugar high and going crazy. The next four hours are a total blur.

**The next morning**

I wake up spooning with Harry, both of us without a shirt. What the fuck happened last night. I shake Harry until he is awake.

"Whats wrong?" he says in a deep, raspy British accents. Why is it so sexy.

"What happened last night? Why are we both shirtless?" I ask, trying to remember. He looks down at my chest and smile while I cover up my breasts.

"Um... we almost had sex, but I made a wall to protect me from you and to resist temptation, " he explains.

"You had to build a pillow wall to stay off of me?" I ask while blushing and biting the corner of my lip.

"You made it hard to fall asleep," he said while blushing and smirking. I think I'm slowly beginning to love him. Maybe.


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