*is disappointed in myself*

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So i havent updated in nearly/over a month. Ughugh

My motivation is gone; for anything. School is taking my creativity and im really stressed and near my breaking point tbh.

And plus, i hve to stress over getting my dad to let me go to a better school next year.

Then i have to stress in math to keep my grade over 95


I had a mental breakdown earlier hhhh

So im sorry for lack of up loads

But also i need your guys's help. Please push me to update. I mean dont say 'ILL KILL MYSELf IF YOU DONT UPDATE!!!' (Omfg please dont do that ill cry) just say 'hey, when are you gonna update?' To let me know you guys actually care about my books.

Also, tell me how my books are- give me constructive critism- im open to that anytime! I need to know its easy to read, and enjoyable.

So even though i may not up load for a while, you can help me get my book to look good.

Also, tell people about my books (specifically The Fight for Ability *cough*)! And if you have fan art, you can tag me on insta (@ the_gayspooker for halloween, going back to @ gay.oclock after halloween)/ use the fan art tag, #enderlookie, or if any where else, send me a link over PM or my message wall, ill look and see it, and ill try to reply.

Also, if you need to tell me something, PM/message board is the best way to go- i cant read comments for some reason bc WATTPAD COMMENts ARE BEING STUPID.

Also, theres skype. My skype is endertheangelcat, but if you dont clarify who you are in 24 hours, i will block and deny your request. Sorry :u

Anyway, ill stop ranting. Talk to you all later, mk? Im here, even if im not updating.

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