Short drabble (140 words)

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"Cmon, Shin!"

"No way I'm wearing this."

"Its Christmas, Shintarooooo~!"

"That doesnt change anything."

Shintaro looked sternly at the reindeer antlers the cat eyed boy found for him. It was enough he wore this itchy woolen sweater, he wasnt going to be more un comfortable.

"Cmon, Shintaro-kun! Lighten up a little bit." Kano flashed a grin Shintaro often saw, and Shintaro sighed under the red and green lights of their room.

"Just this once." He sighed exasperatedly. The blonde grinned widely, and placed them atop of his head. Shintaro couldnt believe this guy at all.

"Leetttsss gooo!" As he heard music thumping from the other room, Shintaro could already feel his headache growing.

"Hey everyone!" Kano grinned as he pulled Shintaro in by the wrist. "Look what I made Shintaro wear!"

"I swear to god Kano I'll kill you."

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