Chapter 6

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Louis POV

Most of the car ride was very quite. He didn't speak to me and I didn't speak to him until we approached a very expensive looking restaurant.

Holy shit

"Wait." That was the first thing I've heard him say since we got into the car.

"This meeting is with a very important man. Do not speak unless you are spoken to, and stick by my side, do not get distracted."

"Yes sir."

He smirked, damn.

"Alright let's go."

We both stepped out of the car and walked in together. Two men had opened the door for us and I was amazed at how beautiful it was, especially the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. I could hear some classical music playing. It's not my type of music but at this moment it was perfect. I must have stopped walking because he placed his hand on the small of my back and encouraged me to keep moving forward. It sent chills down my spine, even though his hand was barely touching me.

"You don't have to check in?"

He shook his head

"There already expecting us."


We walked up to a table where a man with slick black hair and eyes that were dark almost black, a pair of glasses sat on the bridge of his nose he looked...older. There was a younger lady sitting next to him with hazel eyes and long brunette hair, a tight red dress hugged her body. We sat down and the man looked up,and pulled his glasses off of his nose and set them on the table.

"You've arrived and not a minute late as always." He lightly smiled

"This is Claudia my assistant." He gestured to the lady sitting next to him, my eyes strolled to her, but hers were already on me.

"Claudia this is Harry styles and his assistant?"

I looked to Harry remembering what he had said earlier and he nodded his head for me to speak.

"My name is Louis Tomlinson." I outstretched my hand to shake the gentlemens hand. It was rough but firm and strong. I moved my hand over to the lady she gladly put her hand in mine which was way softer than the mans and much smaller which I expected, a small smirk appeared across her lips. Her eyes turning a much darker color than before. I looked over to Harry and he looked a little agitated as he stared at our hands, so I quickly pulled my hand away from her. What's up with him?

"What business did you want to discuss Derek?"

I made a mental note that the mans name was Derek.Harry looked more calm now, but the authority in his voice said otherwise.

"Relax Harry we don't have to discuss that at this exact moment." He waved the waiter over and I could practically feel the heat coming from Harry's body.

"What can I get you guys today?"

Derek spoke up first

"I'll take a glass of whiskey."

Then Claudia

"I'll take a red wine please."

Then Harry

"A glass of beer would be nice thank you."

Harry looked at me.

"I'll take a glass of white wine please." I'd never had it, so why not try it hear where I could have probably the best wine I've ever tasted.

"How's everything going?" Derek asked. Harry finally relaxed a little.

"Actually very well, I've been able to add onto the staff and so that's been a relief, I'm able to get things done much quicker now."

As they talked I could feel something rubbing up against my leg. I looked down and moved the sheets over a little and I can see it was a foot, it that Claudius foot? What the fuck?

I looked up at her and she winked at me, it scared the shit out of me really. She licked her red lips before tugging slightly on her bottom lip I knew what she was trying to do but unfortunately it wasn't working.
Harry nudged my arm and I broke the eye contact with Claudia and looked up at Harry he nudged his head over to Derek.

"I'm sorry could you repeat that?" I hadn't even realized that he was speaking to me.

"How are you liking your job so far?"

I straighten my tie and turned toward him. In a way I was trying to look professional, I hope I've made a good impression so far.

"I've really enjoyed it actually. It's defiantly a new experience that I'm very glad that I'm able to have. I've been able to expand on my talents and actually do what I want to do. This is a job that I hope to keep for a very long time."

Derek nodded his head as he stared at me intently as his lips parted to speak the waiter came, all of our drinks neatly placed on the tray in the palm of his hand.

He each handed us our drinks, I took a sip as soon as I got mine.

"Woah." The words slipped out of my mouth before I could think. I could feel the eyes burning into my skull.

"My apologizes." I say as I set the cup back down on the table, blush running up to my cheeks. I glanced at Harry and he had a small smile creeping at the corners of his lips. How delightful.

"I wanted to make an offer."
Derek set down his glass all playfulness from earlier gone.

"What kind of offer."

Harry seemed more relax than earlier. He leaned back a little him arm droopin over the back of his seat. His arm was slightly grazing the back of my arm. Yet again another gentle movement that drove me insane.

"An offer that will be very beneficial to your company."
Derek smirked as he copied Harry position and leaned back, glass in hand as he sipped his whiskey.

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