Chapter 2:Battle of Mafia Time

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P.S:Readers,if you want a better battle scene,please watch the media while reading the fighting scenes~
Nagisa's POV~
Today,we have a foreign transfer student from Germany,and apparently she's a girl with a very handsome face and tall body.I observed her that she is wearing a black choker with a red and orange colored and black linings of cross and a bracelet with blue and black swirling marks.The boys,including me were very surprised.Her name is Sakurazaki Setsuna.It seems she will most likely get along with the girls since they're practically crowding around her.
When I'm going to greet her,we heard a very loud sound of gunshots.
Setsuna's POV~
I heard a gunshot noise.Karasuma-sensei,a blonde bimbo who I think is Bitch-sensei and everyone from Class E came out of the classroom.We saw 30 buffed men with artillery on the outside.I recognize their fighting suits since they're must be here for the 'seal'.
"Setsuna Wystaria!!!!hand over the 'seal'peacefully and we will not bother you anymore!!"said the man in German with a long pompadour who I think is the leader.
Crap,they'll reveal my identity here if this keeps going on.
"Who are you guys!!"Karasuma-sensei shouted while raising his guard.I put a hand out to prevent him from walking any further."What are you doing,Setsuna-kun?"he asked.I smiled at him reassuringly and said,"Don't worry,they're here for me,I'll deal with them quick and painlessly"I said in a menacing voice which shocked Karasuma-Sensei and other people who are outside the classroom.Luckily,Korosensei isn't here or this is going to be troublesome to explain.
"Oi,don't you think you guys are too noisy that you're going to ruin my time here."I said in a menacing voice and let out a little bit of my bloodlust.The group of men was scared a little bit at first but never backed down.Sh*t,I want to scare them off but it seems like it doesn't work.
So I continued walking towards them and said,"If you're here for the 'seal',then you'll have to take it from me....."I paused a little while and said,
"BY FORCE!!"I run towards them with an inhuman speed and knocked them out one by one.Two tanned buff men saw me moving towards them very fast and started shooting me with their guns.But they're too late because I knocked them out,then i was being too careless.Another two men shoot me 2 times,they smirked but then looked dumfounded because I caught the bullets with my free left hand's fingers.
Everyone from Class E,even Karasuma-sensei was surprised.It seems they didn't know I was this strong after all.
I continue knocking them out by kicking and punching their vital points and soon,all the buff men were 'dead' and only the pompadour leader is 'alive'.He was shaking in fear while holding his machine gun shakingly.
I walked towards him while smiling innocently."So,give up?"I said in German.Each step I walked he become even more terrified."G-g-give up,I GIVE UP,PLEASE SPARE ME!!!"He begs for forgiveness but unfortunately,I'm not in a very merciful mood so I just neck chopped him hard,rendering him unconscious.I cleaned my shirt since when I was fighting them,I need to dodge really quickly and often duck onto the ground with dirts.
"Karasuma-sensei,do you mind sending them to prison~"I said to the still surprised teacher and look at Class E,"Everyone,I'm very sorry that these people are bothering you guys since they're here for me."I bowed at them as an apology.
Nagisa's POV~
I'm very surprised that Sakurazaki-san single-handly and without any weapons,knocked 30 group of budffed men out within 5 minutes or so.She then asked Karasuma-sensei,"Karasuma-sensei,do you mind sending them to prison~"smoothly and then bowed down,saying,"Everyone,I'm very sorry that these people are bothering you guys since they're here for me."She said.
"No need to apologize,Sakurazaki-san,"I said to her and lifted her up."It's not your fault since they came here first."Kayano-san added.Everyone nodded their heads.
"But,Sakurazaki-san,you were so cool and strong,fighting 30 buffed men with guns.How did you do that?!"Isogai-kun said in an admired tone to her.
"Assassination training I think?"she shrugged.
Setsuna's POV~
"But who are they and why are they here coming for you?"Yup,I expected that kinda question."They're just here for my rosenkranz*,or it should be überqueren**."I replied."Rosenkuranzu?Yiubakueren?What's that?"asked him again."Ahahaha,I'll tell you guys some other day and Korosensei's about to come back now,everyone."I tell them.
I'm surprised that they listened to me,whew.At least I don't have to explain to them!
Chapter 2 End!
Karozul sign out!

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