Chapter 12:Newcomers from Germany.........what?

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???'s POV~

Finally,me and my twin has gotten back to Japan.Sheesh,being a heiress sure is hard.Oh well,I did heard Setsuna is here after all.

"Nee,eonni,when are we gonna go to our target?"said my twin.I shrugged indifferent.

"Who knows,but all I know is that we're staying at Setsuna's,"I replied and my twin nodded.

As we were about to call a taxi,we were met with several groups of thug-looking men,gathering around us.

"Well,well,it seems like our information provider sure is accurate.To be able to see one of the famous Twin Konoe Heiresses,"a men with a large build and has his hair styled in a pompadour cackled.

I narrowed my eyes at them while my twin just sighed."Well,you gents doesn't seem like welcoming us,"my twin remarked.

They simply laughed out loud and pushed us into a black van nearby."Go call yer daddies and mommies 'cause we're kidnapping ya,"the pompadour guy said again as the other men went into the van and drove us to somewhere.

I sighed out loud as my twin simply listened to a few punk music.

Being a heiress sure is hard.

Setsuna's POV~

I sneezed lightly as the others looked at me.I waved them back and they returned to what they were doing before I sneezed.

Strange,I never sneeze unless something's happening.Oh well.



The bell rang."Now then,minna-san.Since our day's over,go back to your home and study your lessons!!"exclaimed the octopus A.K.A. Korosensei.

I packed my bags and called Konoha,who's my driver."Yo,Konoha,school's over so take me home."I said.

I then said goodbyes to everyone and went home with Konoha by limo.I then wore a black headphones with red and golden lines.A certain music that's really precious to my childhood's friend's blared out loud.


I then snaps out of my thoughts when we've reached my penthouse.I simply went into my house,throwing my bag on the sofa and laid on my king-sized bed.

Seere and the others.......I missed you guys.....wish you guys are okay,no causing trouble....



I snapped out of my trains of thoughts when I heard the doorbell ringing.I throw my blazer on my bed and went to the door.

I opened the door and found...




















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