Chapter 11:Summer Time

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Third person's POV~
Today is the start of Summer and as you all know,it's very hot for everyone of Class E.Well,except for our own German trap.
Sakurazaki Setsuna was sitting on her seat and tapping her phone,her face is not even showing any mind about the heat.If you're wondering why,Setsuna just casted a self-cooling spell on herself so she wouldn't be suffering from the heat.
"Setsuna-kun,no gadgets during class now!!"Korosensei exclaimed and Setsuna simply just ignore him and looked around class.
Setsuna's POV~
'Huh,why's everyone looking so tired?,'I wondered and someone simply answered my unspoken question,"So~hot,ne~Korosensei,use your Mach speed and take us to the main building's pool~,"Nakamura said.
"Nakamura-san,even with sensei's Mach speed you cannot rely on it every time.Oh by the way,sensei will make a trip to the North Pole afterwards,"he said and I sweat dropped while everyone groaned.
"Well,good thing we can use the pool in the main building during P.E. then!"Okano said and Kurahashi replied to her,"But it takes 20 minutes for us to go to the pool and during those 20 minutes,we will definitely get toasted!"
I then heard someone said about ,"Class E's Hell Walking Trip," and such.I continue playing my games in my phone until I received a message.
Dear Lord Tepes,
We,The Wystaria Famillie's Weapon Store have the things you ordered before had arrived right now.
It seems like my things have arrived,maybe I'll pick it up later.I closed my phones and walked to outside after the bell rang.
Someone noticed me walking,"Hey Setsuna-san,where're you going in a hot day like this?" Nagisa asked.
"Just walking around outside,nothing special," I replied without turning my head to him.
I subconsciously stuffed my hand in my pocket and was about to go outside,but got stopped by Korosensei.
"Nyurufufufu,minna-san.We're going to cool off somewhere,"the octopus said.
I simply tuned out when others began to complain that the pools to the main building are too long and etc.
Time skip brought to you by magic~
I stared at the man-made,or should it be octopus-made pool.Everyone has gotten into the pool while I'm only sitting beside Hazama without my blazer.
I looked at the sound's direction,Korosensei was wearing a typical swimming savior clothings(?) and pointing his tentacles at a few people.
"Masayoushi-kun!!No running on the pool!!"he exclaimed and continue to rant.
Jeez,just because it's made by him doesn't mean he can order us around.
He then turned the attention to me and Hazama,"Hazama-san,at least go swim for a little and Setsuna-kun!!Why aren't you wearing a swimsuit?!!"he asked/exclaimed.
Hazama ignored him while I simply said,"I don't have a swimsuit~".He then began to think and then flew off to somewhere.
He came back with a black with blue linings swimming trunks for boys and handed out to me.
A tick mark appeared on my head,"You do know that I'm a girl,don't you?"I asked slowly.
The octopus sweat dropped and his face turned blue,meaning he's sad or anything related to that,"Nyura!!Gomenasai Setsuna-kun.I forgot,"he said.
I sighed,"Well,I'm not swimming so I'm out of here,"I said and began to make my way of the forest.
"W-wait,Setsuna-kun!!You gotta at least go swim for a minute no?"Korosensei said as he splashed the water at my chest.
Third person's POV~
Since Setsuna is wearing only white shirt,the water wet the shirt,making it see-through.
Setsuna's chest were wrapped with bandages but her abdomen is open,which indicates that Setsuna's abs are shown.
Many girls were blushing madly while a few boys were looking at Setsuna in jealous.
Setsuna blushed lightly while Korosensei was staring at a black tattoo on Setsuna's belly.(Karozul:It's like the media)
The now half-naked Trap quickly scurried away from them while Korosensei was still frozen.
Setsuna's POV~
Gosh,why didn't I dodge that.Yeah,I knew that Korosensei was about to splash at me but I forgot about the tattoo....
Well,the black tattoo indicates that I'm royalty.Yeah yeah big deal that I'm royalty.
Since I know about magic's existence,it must've mean that I'm from the magic world called Mundus Magicus.
Mundus Magicus has 5 Royal Family.The 5 Royal Family consisted of:
The Wealthiest:The Klein Family
The Most Advance:The Atismata Family
The Most Famous:The Revylynn Family
The Most Cunning:The Fynavy Family
And the Royal Family I belong in,
The Strongest/Most Authorative:The Zekreuz · Arcadia Family.
Now that my tattoo has been revealed,the others must be wondering what that tattoo is.
Being in a Mafia and Royalty sure is hard.....
Oh,now I have to explain why The Zekreuz Family is a Mafia right?
Well,it's story time~

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