Chapter 6:Suprised Visit Time

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Setsuna's POV~
Today,after doing my usual things like waking up,dressing up and having breakfast,I went to Class E.
I knocked at the door and went in,I felt that my heart is gonna fell out when I found who's standing at the podium.Korosensei is also very flustered.
"M-mother,what are you doing here?!!!"I jab my finger at her.Everyone looked very shock that the famous supermodel,aka Sakurazaki Setsuko is actually my mother.Yeah,I know that's really unexpected.
"EEEHHHHH?!!!!!"they shouted while Karma smirked amusingly.
"Oh,my dear 'son',it's good to see you again!"she said in her usual gentle voice.She's wearing a purple dress that covered her slender legs,she's also wearing a necklace with 5 round crystal(?) and high heels.Her long silver white hair that is as white as snow is flowing freely.Her crimson red eyes are closed,very pleasing to see me.(Karozul:just look at the media's picture)
"Mother,what brings you here in Class E?I thought you're busy doing your job?"I asked her.
"Oh,why can't I just visit my 'son' here?Im also here because I want to know more about your classmates and find any potential suitors for you!It seems there's a lot of good ladies here!Im very pleased!"she exclaimed.
"What?!Potential suitors?!!Mother,how many times do I have to tell you!I.DON'T.NEED.SUITORS.RIGHT.NOW!!!"I shouted at her but she ignored me.
"Ara ara,I haven't introduced myself properly yet.My name is Sakurazaki Setsuko and I'm Tsuna-kun's mother,pleased to meet all of you,also pleased to meet Korosensei too,"she said and smiled like a mother would.My friends immediately blushed at how gentle she is.And then Maehara and Okajima stand up,jabbing their fingers at me,"WHA?!!!SETSUNA,IM JEALOUS OF YOU TO HAVE The Sakurazaki Setsuko AS YOUR MOTHER!!!!"they shouted in jealous.
"Ara~,I'm here because I want to see how is my Tsuna-kun doing in Japan,I also like to know how is Tsuna-kun's behavior in school so do you mind that we have a parent-teacher meeting?Korosensei,"she asked Korosensei with another gentle smile.God,my mother can be so naive and oblivious sometimes.I face palmed myself.
"Nurufufufu~,no no,I don't mind at all,Mrs Sakurazaki.In fact,this is my first meeting with one of my student's parents,so let's talk in the teacher's faculty~"the octopus said with a flustered face.
"Hey,don't you dare to check out my mother,you pervert octopus!"I warned him as my father can get really jealous.
"Nuwahh,don't say things like that,Setsuna-kun.You'll get me sad!"Korosensei cried with a fake tears.I sighed and went back to my sit,before I knew it,I'm surrounded by my friends.
"Is Sakurazaki Setsuko-sama your mother?!!"asked Okajima.I nodded my head.And then everyone keep asking question like:"Then,you must be rich,right?"and,"Wow,how lucky to have a supermodel as your mother,",actually,that's more like a statement than a question.
Meanwhile in the teacher's faculty~
Korosensei's POV~
Nuwahh,I still can't believe that I'm gonna talk with The Sakurazaki Setsuko,I'm always her fan as her breast are very big.No no no,Korosensei,you cannot check out your students parents,especially Setsuna-kun's.
We sat down on my desk as she started asking me,"So,Korosensei.How is Tsuna-kun doing?".
"Well,Setsuna-kun is doing very well in school.In fact,she managed to score 1390 out of 600 in the Mid-Terms Exams,thus ranked in 1st at the overall rankings.You can say that she is very smart and have a very bright future."I said pleasingly.Actually,in all of my students,Isogai-kun,Okuda-san,Nagisa-kun,Kayano-san and Setsuna-kun is my favourite students.
In Class E~
Setsuna,Nagisa,Isogai,Kayano and Okuda sneezed,'Wondering who's talking about me?'
Back to the teacher's faculty~
"Splendid,I'm happy to see that Tsuna-kun is doing very well here.I was very worried that she won't fit well and have any friends in Japan since that fateful incident two years ago."Mrs Sakurazaki said.'Huh,an incident happen two years ago?'I thought to myself.
"Um,may I know what happened to Setsuna-kun two years ago?"I asked her.She frowned and sighed.
"You see,what happened two years ago is.....
Chapter 6 end!
Karozul sign out!

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