Chapter 15: The corniest of them all

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"Hah! You blinked Hunter, I win this round" I cheered.

He rubbed his quite teary eyes which was a result of our intense staring competition. Who won gets to pick where we eat tonight and guessed who won? Yes,yours truly no need to clap.

"How's your mum rosy cheeks?"

I took a deep breath trying to form my words.

"She hasn't come home yet" I mumbled.

We were currently walking down Josie street,on our way to Carolyn's Diner. It was sadly true,when I came back from the night Hunter basically called her out,there was no trace of her at all. I cried and I cried but I knew it wasn't going to fix anything. So I was home alone for two whole weeks. It has been a week since we ditched for ice cream and honestly,the idea of Cam has been delayed almost gone from my mind. And these whole two weeks,I haven't spoken to Cam. Aisha went on early Eid Mubarak holiday to her hometown which is in Malaysia.


"Do you know where she could've gone?" Hunter asked.

"I have no idea to be completely honest right now"

When we reached the diner,we took a seat at a booth. We ordered our food and just stared at each other. He chuckled lightly.

"What is it?" I asked confusingly.

"Nah,nothing important"

"I hate it when people do that"

"Sucks for you"

A few minutes later our food came and I started digging in my cheeseburger.

"Oh shit Aggy, that girl is fucking gorgeous"

I looked around the diner and I couldn't see anyone that catches my eye. Well unless the 60 year old grandma knitting a sweater is his type.

"Who? I don't see anyone"

"Ok ok, look behind you,but really slowly I don't wanna get caught staring"

I did as he said and turned my head really slowly. When my head was fully turned,I saw my reflection in the sink mirror. I couldn't help the smile that reached my face and I slowly turned back around again.

"That was corny, Hunter" I said still smiling like an idiot.

He shrugged and put his chin in the palm of his hand whislt taking a sip of his pepsi. We continued eating in comfortable silence and I can't help but think over all of my senior year so far. Gosh,the last thing I expected was hanging out with a first class asshat. Who's kinda cool though.


He hummed in response, chewing his ordered chicken pie.

"Why'd you lie?"

He swallowed his food with a big gulp and he looked pretty nervous,

"About what?" He breathed out.

"About you being an orphan? Your dad is St. Thomas ,the influential philanthropist." I asked warily, feeling a little stupid.

"Oh" he cleared his thoat then continued,"I just well... I wanted to impress your mom" he said sheepishly.

"How the hell does saying your parents are dead impress anyone?" I asked pretty pissed.

"You're gonna think I'm an asshole"

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