Chapter 3: Bonding

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As Marco made his way down the long familiar hallway, he thought about what star had said bye new best friend. The thought of someone thinking of him as a best friend made him want to scream with joy. But was he willing to make the weirdest girl in the universe his best friend?
While Marco was thinking of these things he started to hear a commotion down the hall.
"Who are you?" Asked one boy.
"What do you want with me?" Asked a familiar voice.
"You see, this is how things work. We own the school and the new kids get pummeled. Right Oskar?" Said the boy to his friend.
"Ye-yeah right," said Oskar not sure about hitting a girl.
As her blonde hair came into view Marco wasted no time in rushing to stars assistance.
"Oh look it's safe kid. What are you gonna do, quiz me in grammar?" The boy said as he lightly shoved Marco.
"Actually I'm gonna do this!" Marco yelled as he sweep kicked the bully.
"Oof. Come on let's get out of here they aren't worth our time." The bully said as him and his friend walked away.
"That. Was. AWESOME!" Star yelled, "I didn't know you could fight?!"
"Well I am a green belt in karate," boasted Marco. "What are you doing here anyway?"
"Well I go to school here. Or at least that's what mom told me. Can I see your... Schedule?" Star asked.
Marco handed star his schedule and she looked over it with glee.
"We have everything together except history. This is awesome now I get to hang out with my bestie at home AND at school!" Star proclaimed.
"Ha ha... Great." Marco said.
As Marco and star walked to first period science star asked Marco a question.
"Why did you save me from those bullies anyway. I thought you were mad at me?"
"Well I guess I just felt a sudden edge that someone needed help. Plus I couldn't let you use your wand on them. You would get in BIG trouble," Marco responded.
"Ok. Well thanks bestie!" Star yelled as she ran into first period.
"Your welcome... Bestie." Marco responded.

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