Chapter 8: Magical discovery

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Marco's POV

At this point I could think of no one who could ever want to capture star. No one but Ludo. Ugh I should have known that little chicken is always pestering us and trying to get stars wand. I've got to save star.
I jumped up, grabbed stars dimensional scissors, and made my way to Mewni.

Star's POV:

Why hasn't Marco came for me yet? Ludo is striking up an evil plan and I can't stop it without my wand! Does he even care about me?

Marco's POV:

Ok. Here I am in a dimension that I've never been to before looking for something that I've never seen before, plus stars parents live here. What could go wrong right? EVERYTHING. If I was Ludo's castle where would I be. Oh I know! In the dark forest. I started to run towards the dark forest and there it stood. Ludo's castle. Here goes nothing because if I am correct Ludo has stars wand. Although the wand isn't what I'm most concerned about. I start to sneak around the walls to find a way in but the castle is giving off a very dark vibe. I hope stars ok. Well here goes nothing. I sneak behind the guard and sweep kick him. Then I use pressure points to black him out. I then move on closer and I start to hear a small whimper. STAR! Oh my gosh how could I let this happen. Stars whimper kept playing over and over in my head like my heart is breaking over and over again. That whimper just fueled me to go on. I ran in to face tons of monsters.
"Well well look what we have here. The earth boy here to save his precious friend. WELL GUESS WHAT? You aren't saving anyone because now I have ultimate power!!" Ludo yelled.
Just then Ludo tried to blast me but nothing happened. Then I realized why. Stars wand had lost tons of power. Now it was really low on power so nothing came out.
"What witchery is this?! Get him!" Ludo yelled to his minions.
All of a sudden I was punching kicking and karateing monsters all over. I wasn't as off as usual because this time I had a goal. The wand.
Once all his monsters were defeated I yelled "Ludo! Let Star go!"
"Now why would I do that when I have the wand. You see I could buy a charger."
"Because. I'm about to kick. Your. Butt." I said.
"Minions?" Ludo asked to no prevail because all of his minions were out cold. I ran up to Ludo and kicked him in the face, grabbed the wand, turned around and punched behind me just to hit him in the face again.
I look over and the cage around star had lifted just to see her curled in a ball on the ground.
I ran over to her "star are you ok?!" yelled.
"M-Marco?" She asked in a small voice. "Did you get the wand?"
"Yep it's right here" I said lifting it up. Star got up from the ground slowly and put her hand on the wand with me.
Out of no where the wand started glowing. It floated in the air and exploded in a ball of light. It fell to the ground and looked so different. There was a heart in the middle of the star on the wand. The wings on the side got a little bigger and now the wand was more of a blue then a purple.
"Marco you came for me I was starti-" she started to say but I cut her off with a kiss. I didn't know what or how I was doing all I knew is that nothing is right without her. We pulled apart and stared at each other for a few minutes until she jumped into my arms and kissed me again.

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