Chapter 9: Amusement Park pt. 1

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Sigh. I'm disappointed in myself. Here you guys are enjoying the story while I go and put it on hiatus. SORRY DONT KILL ME!

Marco's POV:
     We finally made it back from Star's home. I mean sure the place is cool, but if I had to spend one more minute in that glitter covered kingdom I think I might lose it. After the whole kidnapping situation was done and over, Star took me to her house in Mewni, where I met her parents. As you can imagine, they were ecstatic to meet the person who had saved their precious daughter. I spent over three days there. They would not let me leave! FML.
     Anyway, me and Star are closer then ever. I have totally given in to my feelings and today we're going on a date to the amusement park.

"Are you excited star?" I asked Star as we were riding to the amusement park in the back of my moms car.
"Heck yah! I've never been to a park of amusement before so this should be a fun new experience!" She shouted. I never thought someone could get this excited to go to an amusement park before.

"Ok kiddos we're here!" My mom shouted with enthusiasm. I groaned internally because I knew Star and I would have to ditch my mom once we get into the park. She's so embarrassing!

Star's POV:

     OMG WE'RE FINALLY HERE! I'm so excited to see this park. I wonder what it's like. Is it just a normal park or is it magical. WHAT IF IT'S MAGICAL?! OMG my life couldn't get any better right now.

     "Marco let's go on that ride!" I shouted to the brunette. This ride looked really big and twisty. We've been riding wimpy rides for the past hour and now I want to ride a big one! Marco looks a little bit nervous he scared of big rides? No that can't be. Why would he bring me here if he was scared.

"Umm...why don't we go to the miniature aquarium? I mean unless you can think of anything more exciting then looking at fish? Hmmm? Didn't think so. Let's go!" He yelled while pulling me into the aquarium with him. Maybe he is scared k mean he is acting pretty weird.

"Marco? Are you scared of big rides?" I ask with curiousness piercing through my voice.

"What?! No! No of course not! In fact why don't we go on that ride right now! Yeah that's a wonderful idea!"

"You're sure you're not scared?"

"Yep now let's go"

Lamest cliff hanger ever, but a cliffhanger none the less. I honestly didn't think I'd continue this story, but then people said they wanted more so yeah. Here I am. Enjoy! Also does anyone know how to cure a Naruto addiction? I don't think I've gotten any sleep the past few days. I don't have the 16th volume and I'm dying to find out what happened between Gaara and Naruto. Send help. I may be trapped in my house the next few days with my addiction XD

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2016 ⏰

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