Chapter 6: Disappearance pt. 1

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Hi guys I'm trying out a new type of writing. From now on I will be using point of views. Tell me if you like it.

Marco's POV:

I am so close to kissing her. What is happening. Why am I about to kiss my best friend.
All of a sudden Ferguson came up behind me and shoved me. He started to laugh at me and point.
"Hahaha I got you good!" He yelled.
Right when he pushed me down star fell too. Now she is on the ground staring up at us like we're crazy.
"Yeah.. Nice one ferg," I said annoyed.
I reached down and grabbed stars hand to pull her up.
"What do you say we go home now," I suggested.
Star said, "that's probably a good idea,"

Me and star left the crazy school and started to walk home. Not a word was said the entire time we walked home and all I wanted was to apologize. All I had done was make the entire night awkward by asking her to dance. I don't even know what was going through my head at that time.
By the time we got home it was 10:00 and my parents were already asleep. Star said goodnight and went upstairs.
After I had gotten into my jam jams I got into bed.

The next morning I was hesitant to leave my room I just felt so weird like I had new feelings for star but I couldn't tell her.
After thinking for a while I decided to go wake up star. I walked through the cold hardwood halls over to stars room. I knocked on her door but I didn't hear an answer so I creaked the door open a little to see if she was in bed still. When I looked inside though no one was in her room and her window was open. I decided to look around the house only to find that she was no where to be seen. Star butterfly has disappeared. What am I going to do.

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