Chapter Eleven *Georgia's pov*

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I load up Cara's car with her bags, slam the boot shut and sit in the drivers seat - waiting for her to lock up the house.

She hops into the car and stares at me..

"uh is there a problem?"

"No, why are being such a freakin bitch to me today? We're not going to see each other for 2 months! Do you have your period or something?"

"Wtf no!"

"Then what is it?"

"As I said to you earlier I DON'T KNOW!"

I start the car and reverse out of the driveway, the electric gates shutting once we were out. I speed off revving up the engine,

"Do you mind? I don't want a speeding fine"

"You have more than enough money to pay for it anyway"

"I hate you so much"


The rest of the drive was quiet. Once we arrive I pull into the drop off bay and unpack the car, putting her bags on a trolley.

"Well I guess I'll see you in 2 months" I say

"Yeah, I'll see you then"

"Your security guards are inside, just there" I twist her around, my arm around her shoulders and point to where they were.

Cara takes advantage of this and pulls me in for a kiss - which gets interrupted by people honking their car horns, the drop off bay was only a 1minute parking thing.

"Sorry about earlier, call me before you board the plane"

"Will do- crap! Here are the house keys, I guess you'll be needing them"

"ahaha yeah that'd make sense"

I give her a hug, jump in the car and drive off. On the way back the listen The Weeknd on full blast and belt out the lyrics - The Hills is my favourite song.

When I arrive back I get a tub of lemon gelato from the freezer, a massive serving spoon and sit on the couch to watch Bad Neighbours, which we watched the first 10minutes of last night before deciding to go to bed. Rose Byrne is literally my all time favourite actress.

Half way through the movie I put the gelato on the table and grab one of the pillows and hug it,  and just breakdown... I cried for a solid 30minutes, for no particular reason, I think it's good to have a really good cry every once in a while.

Cara Delevingne
G I'm leaving now xx I would called you but my phone is on 2%. Love you.

Have a safe flight! Call me when you land xo

Cara Delevingne
I miss you already, don't know how I'm going to survive with no kisses or sex for 2 months.

You'll live. Miss you more x

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