Interveiw #27 with Gumdrop2017xo

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When did you join wattpad and why?

- My name is Sophia and I joined March 05, 2013 I joined because I think Wattpad is a great way to share stories and to read stories.

How long have u been writing?

-I have been writing since 1st grade. (8 years going on 9)

Why should people check out your work?

-I think people should check out my work because I think I have a unique way of writing. When I write I write what I think feels like it would be amazing if it really happened. In some of my stories it's as if it’s another life I wish I could live.

What genres do you write in?

-Mystery, Horror, Fantasy, Crime, Action, Romance.

Which of your storied are most successful?

-Abstruseness, It's currently the only story I’m writing at the moment.

Where do you find inspiration?

-Everywhere. Everything inspires me to write. No matter where I’m at, I find myself already making a story in my head.

What’s the best part of writing?

-The best part of writing to me is feeling that accomplishment when you read over your story and think, "Wow. I wrote this!" I also feel the best part of writing is feeling as if the story has happened to you. Feeling that you are the character. Writing helps me get away from my real life and makes me feel relaxed and it makes me feel very calm.

Where do you see your writing career in 10 years?

-I see my writing career growing and becoming way better. I believe I will have written more and better books and have one published. I see myself writing for a career because I love to do it.

Why did you become a writer?

-I became a writer because in my personal life i felt like it was an escape. I went to my own world and just felt free. I want to continue my writing because i feel if it has helped me it can help anyone. I want my stories to be an escape for others just like they are for me. I want my readers to have their own world and not be afraid to open up their imagination and write too.

Who impacts your writing?

-My family and friends, and honestly everyone. That may sound cheesy but it’s true. Everyone influences me, whether it’s right or wrong.

Closing comments?

-Always believe in yourself! When people tell you negative things take them as a compliment! I'm here or anyone who needs someone to talk too. I also want to thank all my readers and fans! Stay Strong! I believe in you!<3



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