Interveiw #42 with melondiaries

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When did you join wattpad? Why?

I join wattpad last year on December. At those times, before I joined, I was more of a reader. My sister introduced it to me. And, also, at that time, I was looking of ways of how to post the stories that I write that would be an easy access to people, and than wattpad was my answer. 

What is your favorite part of writing?

My favorite part about writing is that I can express myself in different ways and in different emotion. It’s like living a life which isn’t mine. It’s more an escape to reality for me at first, but slowly writing became part of me in a way that’s like I’m telling a story which I think could help others, whether it’s to give them confidence or to give them entertainment. I like the feeling of knowing someone, somewhere might enjoy what I wrote.

When did you begin writing? Why?

I begun writing at an early age. It was more of a journal at first, then in high school I transcended to writing stories. Writing was another way for me to express myself other than drawing, which I also do.

What is the best part of writing?

The best part…. Uhm… that would be when I’m absorbed by the characters itself, and feel the emotions as I typed, or write away into words on how they’ve felt. It makes them important and seem real for me, like I was telling a real story to the people. Though everything is just in my mind, and just fiction. Hahaha!!

How do you beat writers block?

I never really experience that yet… what is it? hahaha… I’ll answer that when it actually happens to me.. which I hope it don’t. XD

What is the worst part of writing?

The worst part of it… it’s when you can seem to find or think what would happen next. It’s very frustrating to think of ways to capture an audience without making the story boring for them. To keep someone interested to you work… that’s very hard, unless your that good.. hahaha!!

How do you tackle editing?

I used Microsoft word.. it already does it for me… hahaha! But, it’s not that perfect so I have to proof read my own work, yet still there some error left, but manageable if I just re-read it again.

Any unique or helpful advice for new writers?

My advice… let me see… I’m kind of new myself, so I couldn’t say much… well, anyways. My advice is to keep on doing what you do, don’t change your mind on how you write your story and take negative comments as a way to improve yourself. Don’t change who you are as a writer or how you write because people don’t get your art. Just keep it real and simple. Oh yeah! Hahahaha!!!

WHere do you find writing inspiration?

I find my inspiration everywhere. Mostly from a song or a movie or the things I read. My stories are always inspired by what I see and understand in life, and what people round me mold me into who I am. I write through those things, and create certain emotion out of it that makes a character of the stories that I make.

Who are your favorate authors? How do they influence your writing?

I have a lot, but my main favs are Nicholas Sparks, Michelle Reed, Stephanie Meyer, L.J. Smith.

They influence my writing in terms of the emotional feel. For instance, I currently finished reading Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks, though I’ve seen the movie, the book has a different vibe to it. It made me feel the pains, and happiness of the character, which made me want to write the same way as mine. These authors inspired the character’s I wanted to write in my story. And made me what to connect to my reader in the same way.

Why should readers check out your work?

I really don’t know why… hahaha… but for me, I want people to check out my story for mostly entertainment, but if they get out something more to it, I would feel accomplished that I was about to connect to them in an emotional level. It would be an honor if people who read them would enjoy them.

Any closing comments?

I would like to thank@COLDSTRAWBERRIES for this interview. And to my lovely readers for always being so nice and supporting my works. And, to wattpad creators for making this site so that I can have my works read by others. 

I would also like to thank my family and friends for always inspiring me and for being there when I needed them.

Thank you for the interveiw MelonDiaries!

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