Interveiw #60 with LauraahFTW

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When did you join Wattpad? How did you discover this site?

Through this account, I technically joined just a few weeks ago, but I've had a wattpad since 2009, my sister linked me to a humor story and I found it so interesting, I did previously have an account, but I closed it because I wanted a fresh start. When did you begin writing?

When I was around six years old, in a sense of the word. I loved reading and have always been high above my reading level (When I was In school), and I started to write short stories, they were terrible of course, but I wrote them none-the-less. I remember once when i was nine, I wrote an English essay in all text speak (U, R, l8r), and every time I correct somebodies grammar, my dad reminds everybody of that essay - such a cringe memory.

What is the most rewarding part of writing? The least rewarding?

Most rewarding part of writing is seeing people enjoy my work, seeing it put smiles on peoples faces, it makes me happy and it really makes me feel as if I'm doing something right, something they enjoy.

The least rewarding part of writing is probably the hate. I have gained a lot of it on because of the darker nature of some of my fics, so far I have yet to receive it on wattpad.[touch wood]

If you where stuck in a closet with one of your characters, who would it be and why?

Definitely either Ingrid from 'Epicenter' or Grace from 'The Alpha's Private', they're both similar but entirely different and wacky, I have a lot of fun writing them.

Who are your favorite authors? How do they influence your writing?

Wattpad authors or actual authors? if it's wattpad, I'd have to go with makeandoffer, her stories make me laugh every time. But if it's actual author, I would say it's a cat fight between John Green, Jane Austen, Cassandra Clare and Veronics Roth. They're all beautiful writers and they're what inspired me to write in the first place. What is the writing process like? Any unique tips you'd like to share on how to craft your first draft?

I like to spin around with a pillow on my head, it sounds weird but it really helps my breathing and the weight of the pillow helps somehow. It really clears my mind and gets me in the zone, also I love to listen to a playlist that I know all the song lyrics irritatingly well, because then the music wont distract me as much as new songs would, but it also gives me background noise. A good thing to do is associate writing with a time of day, sit in the same place and a certain object, I use a fuelless-zippo lighter as my object, whenever I get a block, I consult its sparks for inspiration. How do you promote your work?

I don't really. I have a facebook like page and that's about it, I occasionally post on the werewolf advertising bit, but only once per thread reset. I'm also a common member of the werewolf club and love to speak to new people, I guess making friends promotes work?

Which one of your stories has done the best, and why?

Epicenter. I think it's because it differentiates from the current idea's in the archives right now, it's not common 'alpha loves the nerd' or a rejection type story, instead it's about war and mystery. I don't want to give away too much of the upcoming plot, but I think it's because of the direction this story is heading in.

Why should readers check out your work?

It's their choice to check out my work, I don't think I should give them a reason, if they want to read the bio's for any of my pieces and decide they wish to read it, they can go right ahead. I don't think I have it in my right to give them a reason to check it out.

Any closing comments?

I hope everyone has a wonderful year, and summer. I hope everybody did well in exams, and please keep smiling, enjoy your reading.

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