Interveiw #47 with AlyssaVienessetan

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1. When did you join Wattpad? Why?

I joined on July 28 2012 because I just want to write my own stories. Ideas are practically jumping into my head every week, so I just want to let them out, you know?

2. When did you decide you wanted to become a writer? WHy inspired your decision?

I decided that I wanted to become a writer when I was 10. I was inspired by authors around me. J.K. Rowling, Nicholas Sparks, K.A. Tucker, etc.

3. What kind of stories do you write? Could you share some of their plot lines?

I write romance, action, paranormal, or vampire stories. Mostly though, my stories always have romantic scenes in them. Like,  my book "Trained Killer" is about a girl who was hired to kill a boy... You get the idea, but when you read it, expect the unexpected :)

4. Why should readers check out your work?

Readers should check out my works because their original, they're not any cliche stories especially "The Light of a Devil" and "Everlasting Life". You can't technically find those just anywhere.

5. What is the most rewarding part of writing?

The most rewarding part of writing. That would be the people who commented and voted. Every comment or vote just put a smile on my face and made me jump around my house.

6. What is the most stressful part?

I think that would be writer's block. I mean it's just plain annoying when you have to stare at a blank page all day.

7. Who are your favorite authors?

My favorite authors are J.K. Rowling, Cassandra Clare, and Suzanne Collins. If it's inside Wattpad then I would choose NotThatKindOfGal and her story "That Rich Girl" and EmMeiLei321 and her story  "Mine" (which is not completed yet.)

8. Who inspires your writing?

The people above and the people I mentioned in number 2. Though, I want to add my parents and the critics who took time to critique my stories.

9. Does your home-life or where you live influence your writing?

Well, it does taught me to be realistic in my stories. I mean I don't write about a nerd that's invisible. I mean I'm a nerd and I'm not invisible, heck, I'm not even bullied.

10. Any closing comments? Hello, if you're tired of reading cliche stuff then go and have a look at my stories "The Light of a Devil" and "Everlasting Life". Have my word for it that it isn't cliche! :)

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