Chapter 1

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~Dean's POV~

We had been searching for him almost non stop for the past couple years. Sam's phone was either destroyed or dead, so tracking it never did anything. We spent hours upon hours on google and searching everything we possibly could.

"Dean?" Miranda asked with tears one day. She had been ok, and had kept hope that we would find him. We were almost starting to get used to life without him.

"Yeah Miranda?"

"What if he's dead?" She asked as tears flooded down her face. It was getting close to their wedding anniversary, making her think of him more and more, causing her to start to worry once again.

"Don't say that. We don't know for sure. We'll find him."

"Ok. I believe you. I just don't want to lose him. You and Sam are all I have now that Ethan's at college." She said before another flood of tears came. I sat next to her on the couch.

"I know. Shh. Shhh. It'll be ok." She leaned into my shoulder. Every so often, not knowing where Sam is, made her have times like these where she could do nothing but cry. It was hard on me too. "It's hard for me too. I promise you I'm searching everywhere I can."

"I know you are, Dean. It's just so tough." We spent many days just hanging out on the couch as she cried most of the time. The days flew by so fast, and the searching kept turning up empty. It was beginning to overwhelm us both. I had to get Miranda to start helping me with hunts even though Sam and I agreed she would never hunt. There was too much supernatural around to stop hunting altogether. I was trying to hunt and search for Sam all at the same time, and it was getting hard.

One day, I ended up finding what I thought was a lead for Sam. I knew it would upset her even more, so I decided to hold off on telling her for a few days. After 4 or 5 days had passed, I decided to tell her. It was eating me up not telling her.

It was one of many days she was just laying in her room crying. I walked in and she was asleep.

"Miranda. Miranda." I said softly.

"Dean? What's up?" She asked groggily.

"I have to tell you something about Sam, and you're not gonna like it."

"Is he dead?" She cried out.

"No. He's alive. He's in Spain. I guess that's where the demons took him for some reason."

"What am I not gonna like about it? We found him."

"I don't know what the demons did to him, or what the story behind it is, but there was an article in a paper about him. He is a lawyer over there and...." I couldn't finish. I just couldn't bear to break her heart.

"And what?"

"He has a steady girlfriend." I said as gently as possible.

"He what?! How could he do this?!" She shouted and burst into tears.

"The paper was writing an article because he and his girlfriend are two of the best lawyers in the business. We don't know the whole story, Miranda. It could be fake, the demons could be forcing him to. We don't know." I said. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I just didn't want to hurt you."

"What do you mean tell me sooner? How long have you known about this?"

"A few days." I said cautiously.

"Dean, you should have just told me, but thanks for trying not to hurt me with this news. So are we gonna go find him, or what's the plan?"

"That's up to you. We can do whatever you want to do whenever you're ready to do it."

"We should call Ethan and tell him. I know he's busy at college and everything, but he needs to know. Also, when's the soonest we can leave? I just want to find him."

"We can leave in a couple days if I go book the flights now." She nodded. "You'll get him back. I promise. I'm gonna make sure you get him back if it's the last thing I do. You two are meant to be together." I said gently.

"Thanks, Dean." I nodded then went and called Ethan.

~Miranda's POV~

I was really hoping that Dean was right in that I would get him back. I was so frustrated that he just moved on from me. Thinking about it was starting to take a toll on me. I was trying to remember what Dean was saying about how we don't know the whole story. I just wanted to get there and find out. All I could do to avoid crying was think about the amazing times I had with Sam-the day he met me at the bar, the days we spent with Ethan, every good time we had. Every time I thought about it, a huge smile spread across my face.

A/N- this is the first chapter of my sequel. I hope you liked it. If something doesn't make sense, let me know in a comment please. I'm also gonna start something new at the end of my chapters.... I'm gonna try to get more feedback, so please take a couple minutes to comment what I ask about:

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Something you didn't like:


comment on those sections please. I'm gonna put them at the end of most of my chapters, so please take the time to do this.

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