Chapter 16

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We got back to the bunker and each grabbed a beer. I wasn't much of a drinker, but after the news we just learned, we could all use one. Dean was clearly thinking about stuff and decided after he had his beer to go take a walk to blow off some steam. It was healthier for him than drinking himself to death, so it was a good thing. Sam had been awfully quiet the whole day.

"Sam? You ok?" I asked. I was seriously concerned for him. He sometimes had some quiet moments, but he was never this quiet.

"Yeah. Just thinking. So much of this Abaddon stuff makes no sense, but yeah, I'm ok." He replied. I still felt like he was hiding something.

"Are you sure? I really feel like there's something you aren't telling me. You've been quiet all day." I commented.

"It's just that I think we should let this go with the whole Abaddon thing. I get that we are all pissed that she did that to me, but it's over and done with. We are back together and Dean's here with us still. I just think we should let it go." I understood what he was saying, but I wanted revenge.

"At least I think I know why she did it. That helps with some closure." I stated.

"Why do you think she did it?" Sam asked, genuinely wondering.

"Well, I think she wanted to do everything possible to keep you and Dean apart so you couldn't kill her. She knows you and Dean are stronger together than apart. She took you to a foreign country so there'd be less of a chance that you would be found, and wiped most of your memory so you wouldn't remember me or Dean. I think she just didn't wipe as much as she hoped." I explained. That was my theory. Sam nodded.

"That would make sense. I think you're probably right. So-" he started, but was cut off by a thump on the door to the bunker. He and I went up to the door to see what it was. When we opened it, a passed out Dean was at the door.

"Dean?!" I frantically asked him. "Dean, wake up." Nothing. He didn't move. I felt his pulse. It was slower than I wanted it, but he was alive. Sam carried him inside and laid him in bed. He was covered in cuts and bruises. "Sam, what could have happened?" I asked with the tears brimming in my eyes.

"I don't know. He must have fought something, but I don't know." He stated as calmly as he could. I hadn't seen Dean this hurt in years. I got the first aid kit from the medicine cabinet and went to work. He was cut up bad. They were fairly deep and he had a lot of them. I stitched them up, all of it taking almost an hour, and still no sign of him waking up. He was ok, and not as severely hurt as he looked, but he still wouldn't wake up. I didn't think he needed a hospital, so we held off with that, but he looked like he was in rough shape. It took a few hours, but Dean eventually woke up.

"Hey Dean." Sam said once he woke up.

"Hey guys. Am I gonna be ok?" He asked calmly and quietly as he noticed all his cuts.

"Yeah. You're all stitched up. What happened?" I asked. I wanted to gank this thing that hurt him.

"A demon. Abaddon says hi. She saw us talking to Brandon." Dean explained. Sam muttered under his breath. I walked out of the room and called Brandon.

"Hello?" He asked confused.

"It's Miranda. If Abaddon is there or close by, say something you could say to anyone. She's dangerous; we know she's after Sam and Dean, and knows we talked to you. I wanna keep you safe." I said frantically.

"Oh hey mom. Glad to hear you're doing well." He said. He was in trouble.

"Where is she?" I asked, hoping he got the hint as to keeping it unnoticed that we knew what was happening.

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