Chapter 3

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A/N: this book is pretty far in the future by the way. I explain later in this chapter how far ahead, but just warning you so it's not a surprise.

We got up in the morning and we started getting ready to go see Sam.

"Dean. I'm freaking out." I stated.

"It'll be ok. If something happens, I'll handle it. Just relax. Breathe." I took some deep breaths and relaxed a little. We drove to the cafe Sam went to every morning at promptly the same time. Dean had found out his basic daily schedule, and saw that Sam always got coffee at the same time every day. Dean picked a seat near the door so he could make sure Sam saw him. Dean and I were both clearly nervous. I don't think I had ever seen him this nervous. His leg was shaking like crazy and his face had paled slightly. Sam came in at exactly 9:45 am. Dean stood up.

"Sammy?" He asked. Sam hugged him back in a tight hug. I stood next to him, and once Dean let go, I hugged him.

I had missed him so much. I never wanted to let go. "So, I guess your girlfriend is a hugger, Dean?"

"What are you talking about?"

"It's been so long Sammy! I've missed you." I said as I hugged him tightly. I was surprised to not feel his arms tighten around me. Sam shoved me off of him.

"Who are you?" He asked seriously.

"Come on, Sammy. Quit kidding around." I said, hoping he was joking, but sensing in his voice that he wasn't.

"I'm not kidding. Who the heck are you?"

"You're not kidding? You really don't remember her?" Dean asked, shocked. After he asked, he looked at me with sorry written all over his face.

"No. Should I?" He asked. I felt my heart being broken into a million little pieces. Sam picked up my fragile heart and threw it to the ground. I felt the tears stinging my eyes. Dean opened his mouth to say something, but I ran out the door and went to a park down the road a bit. I sat on a bench and just cried. Sam really didn't love me anymore. Sam never did. He's acting like he didn't know me. He just wanted to leave me for some chick this whole time. I thought to myself.

~Dean's POV~
"I really don't remember her. Who is she?" He asked sadly. I could tell seeing her leave made him feel bad.

"Your wife." I replied cautiously.

"What?" He said, shocked and sighed, unsure of what to do.

"Sam, are you busy at work today?" I asked, hoping to buy us some time.

"Not really. It's been a slow week. Why?"

"Can you call in sick? We need to talk about all this."

"I'll try. It's been a while since I've seen you anyways. I could use a break." He pulled out his phone and called the office. He texted his girlfriend Maria and told her that she shouldn't worry about him not being at work and that he's ok.

"Where can we go to talk?" I asked once he was done with the phone call and texts.

"My place works. Maria is at work all day." He replied, but still came across like he was skeptical of talking about what was going on.

"Ok. Will you come with me to find Miranda first? I know you don't remember her, but please?" I asked. I didn't expect him to say yes, but I needed to find her.

"Yeah. Of course. She looked hurt. I wasn't trying to be mean." Sam said sadly.

"I know. It's just complicated." Sam and I wandered the streets. We decided on a whim to to take a shortcut through the park to another street, and that's when we saw her. "Miranda!" I hollered and we ran over to her. She didn't say a word. She just continued to sob and shake her head. "Go away. That means you too, Sam. Just leave me alone." She said with sadness and fear.

"Miranda, we're gonna go talk with Sam. We need to figure this out. He really doesn't know what's going on. I promised you it would be ok, and it will be." She nodded, but didn't look convinced. "Look at me." She brought her head up and looked into my eyes. "I told you it would be ok, and it really will. Let's just talk to Sam and see what happens, ok?"

"Ok." She said hesitantly, but left with us anyways.

"Sam?" She spoke up as we walked to his place.

"Yeah?" He asked as gently as he could.

"You really don't remember me at all?" She asked, the hope draining from her voice with every word.

"I'm sorry. I really don't." She nodded sadly and leaned her head onto me as we walked. She was really upset and it was also cold so she was using my shoulder for some added heat. We got inside. "Do you want anything to drink?"

"We're ok." I answered. Miranda and I sat on the dark brown leather couch he had, and Sam sat in the matching leather recliner nearby. I looked around. I saw pictures of him and Maria around the place. To be honest, she was pretty hot. As soon as Sam spoke, I forced that thought from my head.

"So, I guess just tell me what is going on." Sam said. I could tell he was still totally baffled. I couldn't blame him though. It was complicated.

"Ok. A couple years ago, you and I were on a hunt. We were fighting some demons. You remember hunting right?" He nodded. "Well we were each fighting a few. When I was fighting mine, the ones you were fighting carried you off. We haven't seen you in two years. Miranda is your wife. You got married about 20 years ago. Miranda had a son. He's not biologically yours, but you treated him like he was. He's finishing up college now. We lived at our bunker."

"Are you being serious?"

"I'm not kidding, Sam. We've been looking for you for 2 years. What do you remember?" I asked, trying not to get too frustrated.

"I woke up in the park and I had no clue what was going on. All I remembered was you and hunting, Jess, mom, and dad, and what happened to them. I remember your stuff about hell a little. That's about it. I was homeless for a while, but I found a cheap job and did law school online and now I work at a law firm. That's where I met Maria. And now I'm here." He said. Miranda started to cry a bit at the mention of Maria. The pain in Sam's eyes at seeing her cry was sincere.

"So what are we gonna do? You're her husband." I asked as calmly as possible.

"I don't know, Dean. It makes no sense as to how I just woke up in the park and have no memory of anything."

"The demons must have done something. Look Sam, I know you're happy with Maria and everything, but you know I wouldn't lie to you about this. We need you to come back with us. We need to figure all this out. What do we need to do to get you to do that?" I asked desperately. I just wanted my brother back and for Miranda to be happy again.

"I can't just leave, Dean. I have a girlfriend and I'm planning on proposing next month. I know that hurts Miranda, and I'm sorry. I can't help that I don't know her. I can't just believe you on this one." He said. It sounded meaner than he intended, but I could hear the sensitivity in his voice.

"Please, just think about it. By the way, can we have your email in case we come up with an explanation for what happened? We don't have international calling." I asked.

"I'll think about it. And here." He wrote his personal email down on a piece of paper:

"Thanks." I said, and we left and went back to the hotel.

We walked in. Miranda appeared to be out of tears now. She just laid down in bed. "Dean, can I have that email? I have some pictures on my phone of us that I was gonna send through the laptop to him in an email to see if it jogs any memories." I handed her the paper. She sent him the email and laid back down.

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