Chapter 9

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"Miranda, can we talk?" He asked softly. I nodded and followed him back into our room.

"There's nothing to talk about. You're pissed and I get it." I stated.

"Yes there is. I am mad, but I totally lashed out on you more than I should have, and I'm sorry. That's totally unacceptable. I get it about what happened. Stupid things like that happen sometimes. I get that it was a mistake and you regret it. I have a question though..... Do you have feelings for Dean at all in a dating kind of way?" He asked. Dean and I were like siblings. Nothing more nothing less.

"No. Dean and I don't like each other that way at all. He's like my brother and that's the kind of relationship I have with him." I explained.

"Why did you do it, other than being drunk then?" He asked. I didn't want to talk about it but I did anyways.

"It wasn't that long after you were taken. It was hitting me pretty hard, and Dean was feeling it too. To him, he was losing you all over again, and to me, I had lost the love of my life. I was so emotionally a wreck that he and I got drunk. We went home, and I remember getting in bed and for the most part, the next thing I know, it's morning. I knew it was happening, but in the moment I didn't care." There was a brief silence that lasted too long for my liking. It was long enough for me to burst into tears again.

"Miranda. Please stop crying. Listen, I'm mad, but I forgive you. You weren't trying to hurt me and it was a one time thing, and one stupid mistake. Just don't do it again. It's not only cheating on me, but it's morally and ethically wrong. If you won't do it again, then seriously, I forgive you." He said with as much compassion as someone could apply to a conversation.

"How? How can you forgive me for this? I betrayed you." I asked. Sam was always a forgiving person, but this would be too much for anyone.

"Yes, you did, but you fessed up to it and you apologized. You admitted it was wrong and you aren't gonna do it again. Thank you for telling me and not waiting until I found out somehow. I'm sorry I yelled at you. We're ok and I still love you."

"You had every right to yell at me. I love you too. I know it seems like I don't because of this, but I do. I love you so much." He was being so understanding.

"Hey, I know you do, baby. Just relax. Why are you still upset? It's ok."

"I thought you'd hate me after this. That's the worst thing I could have done to you." I didn't deserve his forgiveness or his love.

"I'm not gonna hate you. I'm not happy you did it, but I'm never gonna hate you. If anything, you should hate me for not remembering you after all this time."

"That wasn't your fault. We'll figure it out and get you your memory back." He nodded. We laid in bed a bit longer, and he played with my hair like he used to. I laughed softly.

"What's so funny?"

"Some things just don't change. You used to play with my hair all the time. I still feel a little hesitation from you emotionally but just having you mess with my hair makes me realize that you're still Sam even though you don't remember a lot." He smiled and kissed my forehead. We fell asleep again for a bit, before getting up for the day. "Sam, please don't take this out on Dean either. He thinks it's his fault because it was kind of his idea. I know he feels bad about it and he's not exactly thrilled I told you." I said once we were up.

"Hey, don't worry about it. I'm not gonna take it out on him. It was a mistake and everyone makes mistakes. Everything is fine." I nodded and we headed out to Dean.

"Don't worry, Dean. He forgives us. He knows the whole story. He gets it was just a mistake." I said in case Dean was feeling bad about it.

"Thanks, Sam. I'm sorry about it all too."

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