Grimm fairy tales

12.8K 423 358

Aries- Cinderella

Taurus- Little Red riding hood

Gemini- The Golden goose

Cancer- the 12 dancing princess

Leo- snow white

Virgo- Hans and his wife grettlel

Libra- sleeping beauty

Scorpio- Hansel and Gretel

Sagittarius- The queen Bee

Capricorn- the traveling musician

Aquarius- Hans in luck

Pisces- cat-skin

Hey there people!

For me I am happy I got Cinderella because in the the Grimm version the step sisters get their eyes picked out by birds! Oh well I shouldn't said it like that...... But I like it and plus I know the name in German of Cinderella. Ashputa. I think that's how you spell it or something.

So, I hope you got the one you like! Comment the one you got.


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