Worlds End

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Taurus- shit! I haven't lost my virginity yet!

Gemini- sleeps through it

Cancer- won't stop scrEAMING

Leo- BUT I'M NOT A SUPERSTAR YET!! *breaks down and cries*

Virgo- why is it happening today! My hair looks good today!

Libra- vlogging as it happening

Scorpio- finally

Sagittarius- There's so much dumb shit I haven't done yet!

Capricorn- spending their last minuted eating

Aquarius- hahaha bitches!! I predicted this shit! Now die....... Slowly...... Painfully.

Pisces- Can't hear what's going on. Their music is on max.

First off! Gemini can I join you sleeping through the ending of the world and same with Capricorn eat everything until I have to die.

I would love that!

Leo is one of my friends sign and that is something she would do and say.


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