Weapons, and Ceremonies, and the smell of the prophecy

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I didn't dare respond to the letter.
I'm not that stupid.
Meanwhile the familiar affairs of the kingdom of Circe went on normally.
I attended training at the grounds regularly.
I was becoming an above average student.
I noticed that it had become easier to pull a proper war cry.

Mine had been perfected by Cinnadale himself, of course this was caused by spending hours at a time with Cinnadale screaming into nothingness for "practice".
But practice does make perfect after all.

At the moment I sit in the great hall admiring the portraits of my ancestors in deep thought, as usual.
My eyes tend to waver on the picture of Antridelle Ominous more than any of them.
Her icey deep blue eyes were a combination of soft and hard.

They couldn't help but remind me of war.
What if there was war?
What if that letter had been a warning?

Deep thoughts of wolf and man, un living shadows that follow them hand in hand they will never be
If its love one seeks from the other half
then no truce, but cruseth blood bath will be upon thee
flee if you must, flee if you might
But you can never escape the terror of your heart, the terror of the night.

If its love one seeks from the other half.

Does it mean...the Abaders?

Why, my people would never!
What sane Circe women would ever fall for an immortal? An Abader at that !

You can never escape the terror of your heart, the terror of the night.

The terror of ones heart?
Well, there is always the fear of ones heart. Maybe you let it trust someone you shouldn't...or fall for someone you most definitely shouldn't.

The heart is terrifying and unpredictable, like war.
That's the way its going to stay forever.
But there is one way I can keep my Kingdoms women away from the Abaders if the problem ever revealed itself.

Its simple really : nothing

The Abaders and most immortals at that are banished from the wolf Kingdom.
That's just they way it is and everyone knows exactly why.

But lets not forget one of the quotes that bother me the most :

Unliving shadows that follow them

I know exactly what it means, the letter speaks of the hunters.
The people that hunt both Vampires and wolves.
There's a whole coven of them.
Some of them are of my own kind, the sick traitors.

They hunt us because they hate us.
They fear us.
They envy us.

We have powers and high thrones, they have powers as well but not as strong, which is why they use their precious arrows.

Fear is set in every -(forgive me father)- "paranormals" hearts.
That's what they call us, the paranormals.
It comes from the word "Ab-normal"
because apparently to them we aren't normal, we're way past that.

But what the hunters don't see is that we mean no harm to them at all. Why do you think we live in the shadows?
In segregated Kingdoms going through our own wars, our own battles and plague's.
In short, an entirely separate world.

They blamed us for the extinction of the humans (most of them anyway).
They blamed us for the great mushroom war.

"Their kings and queens joined together,"They say, "They joined together and used their evil spells to summon the lich! They are what started it all"
But we aren't, those are lies.
Those are the cause of the Hunters.

Despite how much we "paranormals" hate the Hunters, we are forbidden to hurt them. It would cause more rumors, more trouble.

And quite possibly a war.

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