She wouldn't

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The arrow shot through the air, heading straight towards me

She wouldn't .

I couldn't move, Cinnadale held me in place.

He wouldn't.

I couldn't think, my mind was filled with only panic.
Fear consumes everything. Your morals, your way of thinking, your logic. All you know is that you're afraid.
I screamed, my voice echoing through the forest.
There was the sound an arrow lodging itself into someone's flesh, and the thud of a body hitting the ground.

I didn't feel pain, I didn't feel anything really. Cinnadale had finally released me, I was sure my shoulders were bruised.
I spun around, my heart racing.
There was dark, slumped ball of fur behind me.
Blood pooled around it's body, it sat the there unmoving.

"W-what is that!?"
My voice was shaky, I could barley manage to hold myself up.

"Stay calm, (your name)."
Cinnadale's steady breathing on my neck did little to soothe me, I couldn't stop shivering.

Fraunx was all smiles, her eyes squinting in amusement.

"You don't know a wolf when you see one, princess?"

I tore away from Cinna, pointing an accusing finger at Fraunx.

"I-I thought you were going to kill me!"

Fraunx grinned, twirling a lock of red hair between her fingers.

"Typical, Typical princess. You've been trained like this all your life, haven't you? Convinced that everyone wants to kill you. You're life Is so priceless, worth millions in gold and riches. Of course they'd want your head. Get a ego check, girl!"

I dove for her, a growl escaping from my lips. Cinna's arms were around me again, I fought against him.

"Shut up! You don't know anything about me, you don't anything about my life! Shut up, you stupid, stupid, girl!"

Fraunx grinned again, she pointed upwards at the dark, starless sky.
"You see that? That's a new moon, there's nothing in the sky tonight. If you knew so much about the tribes, you'd know that Blackfurrs go hunting on newmoons, just as Foxfurrians go hunting on full ones. I thought you were smart."

Cinnadale's grip tightened, and I thought of biting him to get away.

"I said shut up!"

"But of course, you don't know anything about the tribial rivalry. Your little kingdom, Circe is it? It's like a melting pot for all the different wolf tribes, one's who have forgotten where they came from. Brownfurrs, Greyfurrs, any one who had strayed away from their pack. They all gathered together to form their own, litte "pack". Generations, and generations of peace makers! Even some of one of the most powerful tribes like the Whitefurs, it seems logical that over the years they'd make those of the strongest bloodline their rulers, their "royalty". While the others, the real wolves fend for themselves in the woods. Tribe fighting against tribe like it was always meant to be, clans not kingdoms!"

Cinnadale and I were completely silent.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

He was back, I could almost feel his hand resting on his sword.

"No way, you too? I assumed you were the brains of this operation, Palace guard. I mean, you were able to sense that Blackfurr even when it was behind you, perhaps you're just good at protecting your princess. How cute!"

So that's why Cinna was holding me so tightly, he didn't want me to see the wolf.

"See, your people...They just started out as a mix matched tribe of wolves that strayed away from their pack for some reason, no biggie right princess?"

I finally was able to tear away, "I know very well where my people came from! J-just not that-"

"The other tribes were still around."

It was Cinna this time, his eyes were stern.

Fraunx was laughing now, unable to keep it all down.
"Ring, ding, ding! We've got a winner! This Boys a genius, huh? Took you your whole life just to figure that out! Wolves are born savages, baby!"

I couldn't choke anything out. I never knew that all that stuff about peace in the old books in the library, I never knew that it was there because of this.
That other tribes were still fighting while we hid behind our precious wall, oblivious to the wars that were going on outside of it.
I knew that my people came from different tribes, just not that those tribes were still around and perfectly intact..

"Ah, "A new era of peace"! Is that what your old, dusty history books told you? They probably left us out, the ones that are still fighting! You know all that stuff about the Abaders? That's about the only thing your little "tribe" was smart about, foxfurians hate vampires, the Abaders in particular."

"You mean your tribe? You said you were foxfurrian, right."

Cinnadale was still standing behind me, still asking questions.

"Oh, but dear guard I'm not the only foxfurrian here! You remember how I said your people made those of the strongest clans their rulers? Well, your little princess is a pure bread, full blood, genuine whitefurr! Be proud! Her family line eventually became the royalty of your little "kingdom". The beef between Circe and the abaders is really just the foxfurians leading them into war with the vampire clan they hate the most, Abaders. Like that little war with... Ah, what was Lady Antridale wasn't that a laugh? The first time you losers ever did something smart, war!"

There was more silence, this time Cinnadale finally unsheathed his sword. Fraunx only continued, sitting back down on her rock and swinging her feet.

"Why do you think your father left, (your name)? He wanted to go back to the the real tribes, he was tired of living in this fancy, pantsy kingdom! He knew he was a foxfurrian, and left to be with the whitefurrs. I have no idea why he left you behind, princess. Maybe he just didn't car-"

My hands were wrapped around her neck.

The war between our worlds (Marshall Lee X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now